Fastai BW data augmentation

Experimenting with Fastai and BW data augmentation.

Runpod setup

# setting up pod and pip install uhina
# accessing a pod terminal

# 1. To get access to the pod ip adress: runpodctl get pod -a
# 2. ssh into the pod: ssh root@<ip-address> -p 58871 -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519

# runpodctl send uhina 

# git clone
# pip install uhina
# runpodctl send im-bw 
# runpodctl send ossl-tfm.csv

Loading data

import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
import fastcore.all as fc

from import *
from import *
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
from uhina.augment import Quantize

import warnings
ossl_source = '../../_data/ossl-tfm/im-targets-lut.csv'
df = pd.read_csv(ossl_source); df.head()
fname kex
0 3998362dd2659e2252cd7f38b43c9b1f.png 0.182895
1 2bab4dbbac073b8648475ad50d40eb95.png 0.082741
2 29213d2193232be8867d85dec463ec00.png 0.089915
3 8b1ee9146c026faee20a40df86736864.png 0.135030
4 6e8e9d1105e7da7055555cb5d310df5f.png 0.270421
df['kex'].min(), df['kex'].max()
(0.0, 3.6521352871126975)
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
df_train, df_valid = train_test_split(df, test_size=0.1, random_state=41)
idx_train, idx_valid = df_train.index, df_valid.index
len(idx_train), len(idx_valid)
(51906, 5768)
class OrderedQuantize(Quantize):
    order = 0  # Apply first

class OrderedRatioResize(RatioResize):
    order = 1  # Apply second

def splitter(items): return [idx_train, idx_valid]
ossl = DataBlock(
    blocks=(ImageBlock, RegressionBlock),
    get_x=ColReader(0, pref='../../_data/ossl-tfm/im/'),
#def splitter(items): return [idx_train, idx_valid]

#ossl = DataBlock(blocks=(ImageBlock, RegressionBlock),
#                get_x=ColReader(0, pref='../../_data/ossl-tfm/im/'),
#                get_y=ColReader(1),
#                # batch_tfms=Normalize.from_stats(*imagenet_stats),
#                batch_tfms=[RatioResize(224)],
#                item_tfms=[Quantize(n_valid=len(idx_valid))],
#                # splitter=RandomSplitter(valid_pct=0.1, seed=41)
#                splitter=splitter
#    batch_tfms=aug_transforms()
# ossl.summary(df)
dls = ossl.dataloaders(df)
dls.show_batch(nrows=6, ncols=2, figsize=(12, 13))

learn = vision_learner(dls, resnet18, pretrained=True, metrics=R2Score()).to_fp16()

Sequential (Input shape: 64 x 3 x 221 x 669)
Layer (type)         Output Shape         Param #    Trainable 
                     64 x 64 x 111 x 335 
Conv2d                                    9408       True      
BatchNorm2d                               128        True      
                     64 x 64 x 56 x 168  
Conv2d                                    36864      True      
BatchNorm2d                               128        True      
Conv2d                                    36864      True      
BatchNorm2d                               128        True      
Conv2d                                    36864      True      
BatchNorm2d                               128        True      
Conv2d                                    36864      True      
BatchNorm2d                               128        True      
                     64 x 128 x 28 x 84  
Conv2d                                    73728      True      
BatchNorm2d                               256        True      
Conv2d                                    147456     True      
BatchNorm2d                               256        True      
Conv2d                                    8192       True      
BatchNorm2d                               256        True      
Conv2d                                    147456     True      
BatchNorm2d                               256        True      
Conv2d                                    147456     True      
BatchNorm2d                               256        True      
                     64 x 256 x 14 x 42  
Conv2d                                    294912     True      
BatchNorm2d                               512        True      
Conv2d                                    589824     True      
BatchNorm2d                               512        True      
Conv2d                                    32768      True      
BatchNorm2d                               512        True      
Conv2d                                    589824     True      
BatchNorm2d                               512        True      
Conv2d                                    589824     True      
BatchNorm2d                               512        True      
                     64 x 512 x 7 x 21   
Conv2d                                    1179648    True      
BatchNorm2d                               1024       True      
Conv2d                                    2359296    True      
BatchNorm2d                               1024       True      
Conv2d                                    131072     True      
BatchNorm2d                               1024       True      
Conv2d                                    2359296    True      
BatchNorm2d                               1024       True      
Conv2d                                    2359296    True      
BatchNorm2d                               1024       True      
                     64 x 512 x 1 x 1    
                     64 x 1024           
BatchNorm1d                               2048       True      
                     64 x 512            
Linear                                    524288     True      
BatchNorm1d                               1024       True      
                     64 x 1              
Linear                                    512        True      

Total params: 11,704,384
Total trainable params: 11,704,384
Total non-trainable params: 0

Optimizer used: <function Adam>
Loss function: FlattenedLoss of MSELoss()

Model unfrozen

  - TrainEvalCallback
  - CastToTensor
  - MixedPrecision
  - Recorder
  - ProgressCallback
learn.fit_one_cycle(30, 1.5e-3)
epoch train_loss valid_loss r2_score time
0 1.644630 0.300183 -1.107600 03:27
1 0.330966 0.122813 0.137722 03:24
2 0.111735 0.096092 0.325332 03:24
3 0.090042 0.080140 0.437336 03:23
4 0.086476 0.076293 0.464347 03:24
5 0.079303 0.067029 0.529383 03:26
6 0.079823 0.077337 0.457015 03:21
7 0.071064 0.063280 0.555711 03:26
8 0.063395 0.049661 0.651327 03:25
9 0.064540 0.050022 0.648795 03:20
10 0.056607 0.048462 0.659747 03:22
11 0.053760 0.053292 0.625835 03:23
12 0.056411 0.048289 0.660963 03:20
13 0.049446 0.046147 0.676001 03:26
14 0.047927 0.041901 0.705815 03:26
15 0.046742 0.044546 0.687241 03:28
16 0.049120 0.041590 0.707998 03:18
17 0.043476 0.039859 0.720151 03:27
18 0.046412 0.038752 0.727923 03:22
19 0.044368 0.040569 0.715167 03:18
20 0.040819 0.037822 0.734452 03:24
21 0.043126 0.036971 0.740424 03:22
22 0.042248 0.036392 0.744487 03:16
23 0.041793 0.036009 0.747177 03:22
24 0.039837 0.035846 0.748324 03:22
25 0.039785 0.035595 0.750088 03:27
26 0.040293 0.035616 0.749942 03:29
27 0.037746 0.035546 0.750431 03:25
28 0.038235 0.036200 0.745835 03:21
29 0.038197 0.035067 0.753795 03:25

learn.fit_one_cycle(10, slice(1e-5, 1e-4))
epoch train_loss valid_loss r2_score time
0 0.041027 0.036716 0.742214 03:24
1 0.043233 0.038476 0.729859 03:25
2 0.040227 0.036917 0.740801 03:27
3 0.037694 0.032176 0.774093 03:34
4 0.033340 0.032090 0.774694 03:20
5 0.029570 0.030667 0.784687 03:22
6 0.027940 0.028028 0.803215 03:24
7 0.028264 0.027417 0.807507 03:23
8 0.025013 0.026760 0.812116 03:17
9 0.024846 0.026566 0.813480 03:22


val_preds, val_targets = learn.get_preds(dl=dls.valid)
r2_score(val_preds, val_targets)
val_preds_tta, val_targets_tta = learn.tta(dl=dls.valid, n=10)
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
r2_score(val_preds_tta, val_targets_tta)
# EXAMPLE of TTA on single item
# from import *

# # Define your TTA transforms
# tta_tfms = [
#     RandomResizedCrop(224, min_scale=0.5),
#     Flip(),
#     Rotate(degrees=(-15, 15)),
#     Brightness(max_lighting=0.2),
#     Contrast(max_lighting=0.2)
# ]

# # Create a pipeline of TTA transformations
# tta_pipeline = Pipeline(tta_tfms)

# # Load your model
# learn = load_learner('path/to/your/model.pkl')

# # Define the input data (e.g., an image)
# input_data = PILImage.create('path/to/your/image.jpg')

# # Apply TTA transforms to the input data and make predictions
# predictions = []
# for _ in range(5):  # Apply 5 different augmentations
#     augmented_data = tta_pipeline(input_data)
#     prediction = learn.predict(augmented_data)
#     predictions.append(prediction)

# # Average the predictions
# average_prediction = sum(predictions) / len(predictions)

# print(average_prediction)
# Assuming you have a new CSV file for your test data
# test_source = '../../_data/ossl-tfm/ossl-tfm-test.csv'
# test_df = pd.read_csv(test_source)

# # Create a new DataLoader for the test data
# test_dl = learn.dls.test_dl(test_df)

# # Get predictions on the test set
# test_preds, test_targets = learn.get_preds(dl=test_dl)

# # Now you can use test_preds and test_targets for further analysis
# Convert predictions and targets to numpy arrays
def assess_model(val_preds, val_targets):
    val_preds = val_preds.numpy().flatten()
    val_targets = val_targets.numpy()

    # Create a DataFrame with the results
    results_df = pd.DataFrame({
        'Predicted': val_preds,
        'Actual': val_targets

    # Display the first few rows of the results

    # Calculate and print the R2 score
    from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
    r2 = r2_score(val_targets, val_preds)
    print(f"R2 Score on validation set: {r2:.4f}")
assess_model(val_preds, val_targets)
   Predicted    Actual
0   0.312483  0.000000
1   0.126990  0.184960
2   0.365726  0.194201
3   0.239089  0.262364
4   0.402980  0.355799
R2 Score on validation set: 0.8325
assess_model(val_preds_tta, val_targets_tta)
   Predicted    Actual
0   0.246857  0.000000
1   0.148590  0.184960
2   0.371643  0.194201
3   0.226535  0.262364
4   0.407333  0.355799
R2 Score on validation set: 0.8378
val_preds_np = val_preds
val_targets_np = val_targets

# Apply the transformation: exp(y) - 1
val_preds_transformed = np.exp(val_preds_np) - 1
val_targets_transformed = np.exp(val_targets_np) - 1

# Create a DataFrame with the results
results_df = pd.DataFrame({
    'Predicted': val_preds_transformed,
    'Actual': val_targets_transformed

# Display the first few rows of the results

# Calculate and print the R2 score
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
r2 = r2_score(val_targets_transformed, val_preds_transformed)
print(f"R2 Score on validation set (after transformation): {r2:.4f}")

# Calculate and print the MAPE, handling zero values
def mean_absolute_percentage_error(y_true, y_pred):
    non_zero = (y_true != 0)
    return np.mean(np.abs((y_true[non_zero] - y_pred[non_zero]) / y_true[non_zero])) * 100

mape = mean_absolute_percentage_error(val_targets_transformed, val_preds_transformed)
print(f"Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) on validation set: {mape:.2f}%")

# Calculate and print the MAE as an alternative metric
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error
mae = mean_absolute_error(val_targets_transformed, val_preds_transformed)
print(f"Mean Absolute Error (MAE) on validation set: {mae:.4f}")
   Predicted   Actual
0   0.366814  0.00000
1   0.135405  0.20317
2   0.441560  0.21434
3   0.270092  0.30000
4   0.496277  0.42732
R2 Score on validation set (after transformation): 0.6936
Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) on validation set: 50.72%
Mean Absolute Error (MAE) on validation set: 0.1956
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))

# Use logarithmic bins for the colormap
h = plt.hexbin(val_targets, val_preds, gridsize=65, 
               bins='log', cmap='Spectral_r', mincnt=1,

# Get the actual min and max counts from the hexbin data
counts = h.get_array()
min_count = counts[counts > 0].min()  # Minimum non-zero count
max_count = counts.max()

# Create a logarithmic colorbar
cb = plt.colorbar(h, label='Count in bin', shrink=0.73)
tick_locations = np.logspace(np.log10(min_count), np.log10(max_count), 5)
cb.set_ticklabels([f'{int(x)}' for x in tick_locations])

# Add the diagonal line
min_val = min(val_targets.min(), val_preds.min())
max_val = max(val_targets.max(), val_preds.max())
plt.plot([min_val, max_val], [min_val, max_val], 'k--', lw=1)

# Set labels and title
plt.xlabel('Actual Values')
plt.ylabel('Predicted Values')
plt.title('Predicted vs Actual Values (Hexbin with Log Scale)')

# Add grid lines
plt.grid(True, linestyle='--', alpha=0.65)

# Set the same limits for both axes
plt.xlim(min_val, max_val)
plt.ylim(min_val, max_val)

# Make the plot square
plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')


# Print the range of counts in the hexbins
print(f"Min non-zero count in hexbins: {min_count}")
print(f"Max count in hexbins: {max_count}")

Min non-zero count in hexbins: 1.0
Max count in hexbins: 157.0
path_model = Path('./models')
learn.export(path_model / 'frozen-epoch-30-lr-1.5e-3-then-unfrozen-epoch-10-lr-1-e-4-12102024.pkl')


ossl_source = Path('../../_data/ossl-tfm/img')
learn.predict(ossl_source / '0a0a0c647671fd3030cc13ba5432eb88.png')
((0.5229991674423218,), tensor([0.5230]), tensor([0.5230]))
df[df['fname'] == '0a0a0c647671fd3030cc13ba5432eb88.png']
fname kex
28867 0a0a0c647671fd3030cc13ba5432eb88.png 0.525379
np.exp(3) - 1


Color scale: viridis | Discretization: percentiles = [i for i in range(60, 100)]

Model Image Size Learning Rate Epochs R2 Score Time per Epoch Finetuning with axis ticks
ResNet-18 100 1e-3 10 0.648 05:12 No Yes
ResNet-18 224 2e-3 10 0.69 07:30 No Yes
ResNet-18 750 (original size) 1e-3 10 0.71 36:00 No Yes
ResNet-18 224 2e-3 20 0.704 07:30 No Yes
ResNet-18 224 2e-3 10 0.71 07:00 No No

Discretization: percentiles = [i for i in range(20, 100)]

Model Image Size Learning Rate Epochs R2 Score Time per Epoch Finetuning with axis ticks colour scale
ResNet-18 224 2e-3 10 0.7 05:12 No No viridis
ResNet-18 224 3e-3 10 0.71 05:12 No No jet

From now on with axis ticks is always No.

Discretization: esimated on 10000 cwt power percentiles [20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 95, 97, 99]

Model Image Size Learning Rate Epochs R2 Score Time per Epoch Finetuning remark colour scale
ResNet-18 224 2e-3 10 0.71 05:12 No None jet
ResNet-18 224 2e-3 10 0.685 05:12 No y range added jet

From now on random splitter with 10% validation and random seed 41.

Discretization: esimated on 10000 cwt power percentiles [20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 95, 97, 99]

Model Image Size Learning Rate Epochs R2 Score Time per Epoch Finetuning remark colour scale
ResNet-18 224 2e-3 10 0.7 05:12 No Pre-train & normalize: True jet
ResNet-18 224 2e-3 10 0.796 08:12 No No Pre-train jet
ResNet-18 224 3e-3 10 0.7 05:12 No Pre-train & normalize: False jet
ResNet-18 (id=0) 224 2e-3 20 0.829 08:12 No No Pre-train (try 18 epochs) jet