Data curation rules

What are the data curation rules applied to MARIS data compilation?

This document outlines the rules and guidelines followed when curating data in the MARIS database, including: - Data validation criteria - Quality control measures - Standardization procedures - Handling of duplicate measurements - Treatment of missing values

Sample preparation methods

At some occasions, biota samples measurements are reported both in dry and wet weight for a given sample and nuclide.

When for a given sample and nuclide, sample preparation methods are reported, MARIS will follow the following rules:

  1. if sample preparation method is reported as wet only, then report measurement on a wet basis (in Bq/kg wet)
  2. if sample preparation method is reported as dry only, then report measurement on a dry basis (in Bq/kg dry )
  3. if sample preparation method is reported as both wet and dry, then report measurement on a wet basis (in Bq/kg wet) but also calculate and report percent wet weight.