This notebook contains a data pipeline (handler) that converts the master MARIS database dump into NetCDF format. It enables batch encoding of all legacy datasets into NetCDF.

Key functions of this handler:

The result is a set of NetCDF files, one for each unique reference ID in the input data.

Packages import

Configuration and file paths

Exported source
fname_in = Path().home() / 'pro/data/maris/MARIS_exportSample_20240313.txt'
dir_dest = '../../_data/output/dump'




 DataLoader (fname:str)

Load specific MARIS dataset through its ref_id.

Type Details
fname str Path to the MARIS global dump file
Exported source
class DataLoader:
    "Load specific MARIS dataset through its ref_id."
    LUT = {
        'Sediment': 'sediment', 'Seawater': 'seawater',
        'Suspended matter': 'suspended-matter', 'Biota': 'biota'}

    def __init__(self, 
                 fname: str # Path to the MARIS global dump file
        self.fname = fname
        self.df = None  # Lazy loading

    def _load_data(self):
        if self.df is None:
            self.df = pd.read_csv(self.fname, sep='\t', encoding='ISO-8859-1')

    def __call__(self, 
                 ref_id: int # Reference ID of interest
                 ) -> dict: # Dictionary of dataframes
        filtered_df = self.df[self.df.ref_id == ref_id]
        return {
            self.LUT[name]: grp
            for name, grp in filtered_df.groupby('samptype')
            if name in self.LUT



 get_zotero_key (dfs)

Retrieve Zotero key from MARIS dump.

Exported source
def get_zotero_key(dfs):
    "Retrieve Zotero key from MARIS dump."
    return dfs[next(iter(dfs))][['zoterourl']].iloc[0].values[0].split('/')[-1]



 get_fname (dfs)

Retrieve filename from MARIS dump.

Exported source
def get_fname(dfs):
    "Retrieve filename from MARIS dump."
    id, name = dfs[next(iter(dfs))][['ref_id', 'displaytext']].iloc[0]
    name = name.replace(',', '').replace('.', '').replace('-', ' ').split(' ')
    return '-'.join(([str(id)] + name)) + '.nc'

Load data

Let’s get a quick look at the input MARIS dump:

df = pd.read_csv(fname_in, sep='\t', encoding='ISO-8859-1')

print('# of unique refs: ', len(df.ref_id.unique()))
print('columns: ', df.columns)
# of unique refs:  526
columns:  Index(['ref_id', 'displaytext', 'samptype', 'nuclide_id', 'latitude',
       'longitude', 'begperiod', 'endperiod', 'sampdepth', 'totdepth',
       'uncertaint', 'unit_id', 'detection', 'area_id', 'species_id',
       'biogroup_id', 'bodypar_id', 'sedtype_id', 'volume', 'salinity',
       'temperatur', 'sampmet_id', 'prepmet_id', 'counmet_id', 'activity',
ref_id displaytext samptype nuclide_id latitude longitude begperiod endperiod sampdepth totdepth ... bodypar_id sedtype_id volume salinity temperatur sampmet_id prepmet_id counmet_id activity zoterourl
0 182 Urban et al., 2015 Biota 33 -35.140833 117.604444 2014-05-06 00:00:00 NaN -1.0 NaN ... 52 0 NaN NaN NaN 0 6 20 0.387
1 182 Urban et al., 2015 Biota 47 -35.140833 117.604444 2014-05-06 00:00:00 NaN -1.0 NaN ... 52 0 NaN NaN NaN 0 6 5 1.44
2 182 Urban et al., 2015 Biota 31 -16.466944 123.535833 2014-02-27 00:00:00 NaN -1.0 NaN ... 52 0 NaN NaN NaN 0 6 20 0.042
3 182 Urban et al., 2015 Biota 33 -16.466944 123.535833 2014-02-27 00:00:00 NaN -1.0 NaN ... 52 0 NaN NaN NaN 0 6 20 0.075
4 182 Urban et al., 2015 Biota 47 -16.466944 123.535833 2014-02-27 00:00:00 NaN -1.0 NaN ... 52 0 NaN NaN NaN 0 6 5 0.069

5 rows × 26 columns

Let’s checkout if we retrieve the expected keys (sample types) and associated dataframes:

dataloader = DataLoader(fname_in)
ref_id = 100 # Some other ref_id examples: OSPAR: 191, HELCOM: 100, 717 (only seawater)

dfs = dataloader(ref_id=ref_id)
print(f'keys: {dfs.keys()}')
keys: dict_keys(['biota', 'seawater', 'sediment'])
ref_id displaytext samptype nuclide_id latitude longitude begperiod endperiod sampdepth totdepth ... bodypar_id sedtype_id volume salinity temperatur sampmet_id prepmet_id counmet_id activity zoterourl
549778 100 HELCOM MORS, 2018 Sediment 17 54.838333 9.9 1989-06-14 00:00:00 NaN -1.0 24.0 ... 0 59 NaN NaN NaN 0 0 0 26.6
549779 100 HELCOM MORS, 2018 Sediment 24 54.838333 9.9 1989-06-14 00:00:00 NaN -1.0 24.0 ... 0 59 NaN NaN NaN 0 0 0 134.0
549780 100 HELCOM MORS, 2018 Sediment 24 54.838333 9.9 1989-06-14 00:00:00 NaN -1.0 24.0 ... 0 59 NaN NaN NaN 0 0 0 18.6
549781 100 HELCOM MORS, 2018 Sediment 31 54.838333 9.9 1989-06-14 00:00:00 NaN -1.0 24.0 ... 0 59 NaN NaN NaN 0 0 0 42.5
549782 100 HELCOM MORS, 2018 Sediment 31 54.838333 9.9 1989-06-14 00:00:00 NaN -1.0 24.0 ... 0 59 NaN NaN NaN 0 0 0 5.9

5 rows × 26 columns

Data transformation pipeline

Normalize nuclide names

Remap nuclide_id to MARIS radionuclide standard names:



 RemapRdnNameCB (fn_lut=<function <lambda>>)

Remap to MARIS radionuclide names.

Exported source
nuclide_id_to_name = lambda: get_lut(lut_path(), 'dbo_nuclide.xlsx', 
                                     key='nc_name', value='nuclide_id',
Exported source
class RemapRdnNameCB(Callback):
    "Remap to MARIS radionuclide names."
    def __init__(self, fn_lut=nuclide_id_to_name): fc.store_attr()
    def __call__(self, tfm):
        lut = self.fn_lut()
        for k in tfm.dfs.keys():
            tfm.dfs[k]['nuclide_id'] = tfm.dfs[k]['nuclide_id'].replace(lut)
dfs = dataloader(ref_id=ref_id)
tfm = Transformer(dfs, cbs=[RemapRdnNameCB()])

['ru106' 'sb125' 'cs134' 'cs137' 'k40' 'co60' 'ag110m' 'ra226' 'th232'
 'pb212' 'pb214' 'pu238' 'am241' 'pu239_240_tot' 'zr95' 'mn54' 'ac228'
 'u235' 'tl208' 'be7' 'bi214' 'ra223' 'ru103' 'sr90' 'eu155' 'ba140'
 'co58' 'ra224' 'po210' 'ra228' 'th228' 'ce144' 'cs134_137_tot' 'pb210'
 'pu239' 'cd109' 'bi212' 'pu238_240_tot' 'nb95' 'ir192' 'sb124' 'zn65'
 'th234' 'pu241']

Rename columns

Rename MARIS dump columns to MARIS netCDF standard names:

Index(['ref_id', 'displaytext', 'samptype', 'nuclide_id', 'latitude',
       'longitude', 'begperiod', 'endperiod', 'sampdepth', 'totdepth',
       'uncertaint', 'unit_id', 'detection', 'area_id', 'species_id',
       'biogroup_id', 'bodypar_id', 'sedtype_id', 'volume', 'salinity',
       'temperatur', 'sampmet_id', 'prepmet_id', 'counmet_id', 'activity',



 renaming_rules ()

Rename MARIS dump columns to MARIS netCDF standard names.

Exported source
def renaming_rules():
    "Rename MARIS dump columns to MARIS netCDF standard names."
    vars = cdl_cfg()['vars']
    return {
        'latitude': vars['defaults']['lat']['name'],
        'longitude': vars['defaults']['lon']['name'],
        'begperiod': vars['defaults']['time']['name'],
        'sampdepth': vars['defaults']['smp_depth']['name'],
        'totdepth': vars['defaults']['tot_depth']['name'],
        'uncertaint': vars['suffixes']['uncertainty']['name'],
        'unit_id': vars['suffixes']['unit']['name'],
        'detection': vars['suffixes']['detection_limit']['name'],
        'area_id': vars['defaults']['area']['name'], 
        'species_id': vars['bio']['species']['name'],
        'biogroup_id': vars['bio']['bio_group']['name'],
        'bodypar_id': vars['bio']['body_part']['name'],
        'sedtype_id': vars['sed']['sed_type']['name'],
        'volume': vars['suffixes']['volume']['name'],
        'salinity': vars['suffixes']['salinity']['name'],
        'temperatur': vars['suffixes']['temperature']['name'],
        'sampmet_id': vars['suffixes']['sampling_method']['name'],
        'prepmet_id': vars['suffixes']['preparation_method']['name'],
        'counmet_id': vars['suffixes']['counting_method']['name'],
        'activity': 'value',
        'nuclide_id': 'nuclide'



 RenameColumnCB (renaming_rules=<function renaming_rules>)

Renaming variables to MARIS standard names.

Exported source
class RenameColumnCB(Callback):
    "Renaming variables to MARIS standard names."
    def __init__(self, renaming_rules=renaming_rules): fc.store_attr()
    def __call__(self, tfm):
        lut = renaming_rules()
        coi = lut.keys()
        for k in tfm.dfs.keys():
            tfm.dfs[k] = tfm.dfs[k].loc[:, coi]
            tfm.dfs[k].rename(columns=lut, inplace=True)
dfs = dataloader(ref_id=ref_id)
tfm = Transformer(dfs, cbs=[

               lat        lon                 time smp_depth tot_depth  \
549778   54.838333        9.9  1989-06-14 00:00:00      -1.0      24.0   
549779   54.838333        9.9  1989-06-14 00:00:00      -1.0      24.0   
549780   54.838333        9.9  1989-06-14 00:00:00      -1.0      24.0   
549781   54.838333        9.9  1989-06-14 00:00:00      -1.0      24.0   
549782   54.838333        9.9  1989-06-14 00:00:00      -1.0      24.0   
...            ...        ...                  ...       ...       ...   
1532415  57.619722  23.621389  2005-12-02 00:00:00      -1.0      55.0   
1532416  57.619722  23.621389  2005-12-02 00:00:00      -1.0      55.0   
1532417  57.619722  23.621389  2005-12-02 00:00:00      -1.0      55.0   
1532418  57.619722  23.621389  2005-12-02 00:00:00      -1.0      55.0   
1532419  57.619722  23.621389  2005-12-02 00:00:00      -1.0      55.0   

             _unc _unit _dl  area species  ... body_part sed_type _vol _sal  \
549778       3.99     4   =  2374       0  ...         0       59  NaN  NaN   
549779        NaN     2   =  2374       0  ...         0       59  NaN  NaN   
549780      1.674     4   =  2374       0  ...         0       59  NaN  NaN   
549781        NaN     2   =  2374       0  ...         0       59  NaN  NaN   
549782      1.829     4   =  2374       0  ...         0       59  NaN  NaN   
...           ...   ...  ..   ...     ...  ...       ...      ...  ...  ...   
1532415   86.2836     4   =  2409       0  ...         0       58  NaN  NaN   
1532416       NaN     2   =  2409       0  ...         0       58  NaN  NaN   
1532417  24.45552     4   =  2409       0  ...         0       58  NaN  NaN   
1532418       NaN     2   =  2409       0  ...         0       58  NaN  NaN   
1532419  123.2568     4   =  2409       0  ...         0       58  NaN  NaN   

        _temp _sampmet _prepmet _counmet    value nuclide  
549778    NaN        0        0        0     26.6   ru106  
549779    NaN        0        0        0    134.0   sb125  
549780    NaN        0        0        0     18.6   sb125  
549781    NaN        0        0        0     42.5   cs134  
549782    NaN        0        0        0      5.9   cs134  
...       ...      ...      ...      ...      ...     ...  
1532415   NaN        0        0        0   1106.2     k40  
1532416   NaN        0        0        0  991.023   cs137  
1532417   NaN        0        0        0    550.8   cs137  
1532418   NaN        0        0        0  2461.36     k40  
1532419   NaN        0        0        0   1368.0     k40  

[123196 rows x 21 columns]

Drop NaN only columns



 DropNAColumnsCB (na_value=0)

Drop variable containing only NaN or ‘Not available’ (id=0 in MARIS lookup tables).

Exported source
class DropNAColumnsCB(Callback):
    "Drop variable containing only NaN or 'Not available' (id=0 in MARIS lookup tables)."
    def __init__(self, na_value=0): fc.store_attr()
    def isMarisNA(self, col): 
        return len(col.unique()) == 1 and col.iloc[0] == self.na_value
    def dropMarisNA(self, df):
        na_cols = [col for col in df.columns if self.isMarisNA(df[col])]
        return df.drop(labels=na_cols, axis=1)
    def __call__(self, tfm):
        for k in tfm.dfs.keys():
            tfm.dfs[k] = tfm.dfs[k].dropna(axis=1, how='all')
            tfm.dfs[k] = self.dropMarisNA(tfm.dfs[k])
dfs = dataloader(ref_id=ref_id)
tfm = Transformer(dfs, cbs=[

               lat        lon                 time smp_depth tot_depth  \
549778   54.838333        9.9  1989-06-14 00:00:00      -1.0      24.0   
549779   54.838333        9.9  1989-06-14 00:00:00      -1.0      24.0   
549780   54.838333        9.9  1989-06-14 00:00:00      -1.0      24.0   
549781   54.838333        9.9  1989-06-14 00:00:00      -1.0      24.0   
549782   54.838333        9.9  1989-06-14 00:00:00      -1.0      24.0   
...            ...        ...                  ...       ...       ...   
1532415  57.619722  23.621389  2005-12-02 00:00:00      -1.0      55.0   
1532416  57.619722  23.621389  2005-12-02 00:00:00      -1.0      55.0   
1532417  57.619722  23.621389  2005-12-02 00:00:00      -1.0      55.0   
1532418  57.619722  23.621389  2005-12-02 00:00:00      -1.0      55.0   
1532419  57.619722  23.621389  2005-12-02 00:00:00      -1.0      55.0   

             _unc _unit _dl  area sed_type _sampmet _prepmet    value nuclide  
549778       3.99     4   =  2374       59        0        0     26.6   ru106  
549779        NaN     2   =  2374       59        0        0    134.0   sb125  
549780      1.674     4   =  2374       59        0        0     18.6   sb125  
549781        NaN     2   =  2374       59        0        0     42.5   cs134  
549782      1.829     4   =  2374       59        0        0      5.9   cs134  
...           ...   ...  ..   ...      ...      ...      ...      ...     ...  
1532415   86.2836     4   =  2409       58        0        0   1106.2     k40  
1532416       NaN     2   =  2409       58        0        0  991.023   cs137  
1532417  24.45552     4   =  2409       58        0        0    550.8   cs137  
1532418       NaN     2   =  2409       58        0        0  2461.36     k40  
1532419  123.2568     4   =  2409       58        0        0   1368.0     k40  

[123196 rows x 14 columns]

Remap detection limit values

Exported source
dl_name_to_id = lambda: get_lut(lut_path(), 'dbo_detectlimit.xlsx', key='name', value='id')
{'Not applicable': -1, 'Not Available': 0, '=': 1, '<': 2, 'ND': 3, 'DE': 4}



 SanitizeDetectionLimitCB (fn_lut=<function <lambda>>)

Assign Detection Limit name to its id based on MARIS nomenclature.

Exported source
class SanitizeDetectionLimitCB(Callback):
    "Assign Detection Limit name to its id based on MARIS nomenclature."
    def __init__(self,
        self.var_name = cdl_cfg()['vars']['suffixes']['detection_limit']['name']

    def __call__(self, tfm):
        lut = self.fn_lut()
        for k in tfm.dfs.keys():
            tfm.dfs[k][self.var_name] = tfm.dfs[k][self.var_name].replace(lut)
dfs = dataloader(ref_id=ref_id)
tfm = Transformer(dfs, cbs=[

549778     1
549779     1
549780     1
549781     1
549782     1
1532415    1
1532416    1
1532417    1
1532418    1
1532419    1
Name: _dl, Length: 123196, dtype: int64

Parse and encode time

We remind that in netCDF format time need to be encoded as integer representing the number of seconds since a time of reference. In our case we chose 1970-01-01 00:00:00.0 as defined in configs.ipynb.



 ParseTimeCB ()

Parse time column from MARIS dump.

Exported source
class ParseTimeCB(Callback):
    "Parse time column from MARIS dump."
    def __call__(self, tfm):
        for k in tfm.dfs.keys():
            tfm.dfs[k]['time'] = pd.to_datetime(tfm.dfs[k].time, format='ISO8601')
dfs = dataloader(ref_id=ref_id)
tfm = Transformer(dfs, cbs=[

               lat        lon        time smp_depth tot_depth      _unc _unit  \
549778   54.838333        9.9   613785600      -1.0      24.0      3.99     4   
549779   54.838333        9.9   613785600      -1.0      24.0       NaN     2   
549780   54.838333        9.9   613785600      -1.0      24.0     1.674     4   
549781   54.838333        9.9   613785600      -1.0      24.0       NaN     2   
549782   54.838333        9.9   613785600      -1.0      24.0     1.829     4   
...            ...        ...         ...       ...       ...       ...   ...   
1532415  57.619722  23.621389  1133481600      -1.0      55.0   86.2836     4   
1532416  57.619722  23.621389  1133481600      -1.0      55.0       NaN     2   
1532417  57.619722  23.621389  1133481600      -1.0      55.0  24.45552     4   
1532418  57.619722  23.621389  1133481600      -1.0      55.0       NaN     2   
1532419  57.619722  23.621389  1133481600      -1.0      55.0  123.2568     4   

         _dl  area sed_type _sampmet _prepmet    value nuclide  
549778     1  2374       59        0        0     26.6   ru106  
549779     1  2374       59        0        0    134.0   sb125  
549780     1  2374       59        0        0     18.6   sb125  
549781     1  2374       59        0        0     42.5   cs134  
549782     1  2374       59        0        0      5.9   cs134  
...      ...   ...      ...      ...      ...      ...     ...  
1532415    1  2409       58        0        0   1106.2     k40  
1532416    1  2409       58        0        0  991.023   cs137  
1532417    1  2409       58        0        0    550.8   cs137  
1532418    1  2409       58        0        0  2461.36     k40  
1532419    1  2409       58        0        0   1368.0     k40  

[123196 rows x 14 columns]

Reshape: long to wide

dfs = dataloader(ref_id=ref_id)
tfm = Transformer(dfs, cbs=[

                 lon        time  area        lat  smp_depth  tot_depth  \
549834      9.633333   544838400  2374  54.850000       -1.0       16.0   
549835      9.633333   544838400  2374  54.850000       -1.0       16.0   
549836      9.633333   544838400  2374  54.850000       -1.0       16.0   
549837      9.633333   544838400  2374  54.850000       -1.0       16.0   
549838      9.633333   544838400  2374  54.850000       -1.0       16.0   
...              ...         ...   ...        ...        ...        ...   
1518808    29.833333  1128211200  2407  59.983333       -1.0        0.0   
1518809    29.833333  1128211200  2407  59.983333       -1.0        0.0   
1518810    29.833333  1128211200  2407  59.983333       -1.0        0.0   
1528756    29.833333  1128211200  2407  59.983333       -1.0        0.0   
1528757    29.833333  1128211200  2407  59.983333       -1.0        0.0   

           sed_type  ac228_dl  ag110m_dl  am241_dl  ...  sb124  sb125  sr90  \
org_index                                           ...                       
549834           58       NaN        NaN       NaN  ...    NaN    NaN   NaN   
549835           58       NaN        NaN       NaN  ...    NaN    NaN   NaN   
549836           58       NaN        NaN       NaN  ...    NaN    NaN   NaN   
549837           58       NaN        NaN       NaN  ...    NaN    NaN   NaN   
549838           58       NaN        NaN       NaN  ...    NaN    NaN   NaN   
...             ...       ...        ...       ...  ...    ...    ...   ...   
1518808           2       NaN        NaN       NaN  ...    NaN    NaN   NaN   
1518809           2       NaN        NaN       NaN  ...    NaN    NaN   NaN   
1518810           2       NaN        NaN       NaN  ...    NaN    NaN   NaN   
1528756           2       NaN        NaN       NaN  ...    NaN    NaN   NaN   
1528757           2       NaN        NaN       NaN  ...    NaN    NaN   NaN   

           th228  th232  th234  tl208  u235  zn65  zr95  
549834       NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN  
549835       NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN  
549836       NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN  
549837       NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN  
549838       NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN  
...          ...    ...    ...    ...   ...   ...   ...  
1518808      NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN  
1518809      NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN  
1518810      NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN  
1528756      NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN  
1528757      NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN  

[123196 rows x 270 columns]

Sanitize coordinates

dfs = dataloader(ref_id=ref_id)
tfm = Transformer(dfs, cbs=[

lon time area lat smp_depth tot_depth sed_type ac228_dl ag110m_dl am241_dl ... sb124 sb125 sr90 th228 th232 th234 tl208 u235 zn65 zr95
549834 9.633333 544838400 2374 54.850000 -1.0 16.0 58 NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
549835 9.633333 544838400 2374 54.850000 -1.0 16.0 58 NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
549836 9.633333 544838400 2374 54.850000 -1.0 16.0 58 NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
549837 9.633333 544838400 2374 54.850000 -1.0 16.0 58 NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
549838 9.633333 544838400 2374 54.850000 -1.0 16.0 58 NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1518808 29.833333 1128211200 2407 59.983333 -1.0 0.0 2 NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1518809 29.833333 1128211200 2407 59.983333 -1.0 0.0 2 NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1518810 29.833333 1128211200 2407 59.983333 -1.0 0.0 2 NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1528756 29.833333 1128211200 2407 59.983333 -1.0 0.0 2 NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1528757 29.833333 1128211200 2407 59.983333 -1.0 0.0 2 NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

123196 rows × 270 columns

Encode to NetCDF

dfs = dataloader(ref_id=ref_id)
tfm = Transformer(dfs, cbs=[

dfs_tfm = tfm()
['Remap to MARIS radionuclide names.',
 'Renaming variables to MARIS standard names.',
 "Drop variable containing only NaN or 'Not available' (id=0 in MARIS lookup tables).",
 'Assign Detection Limit name to its id based on MARIS nomenclature.',
 'Encode time as `int` representing seconds since xxx',
 'Drop row when both longitude & latitude equal 0. Drop unrealistic longitude & latitude values. Convert longitude & latitude `,` separator to `.` separator.']



 get_attrs (tfm, zotero_key, kw=['oceanography', 'Earth Science > Oceans >
            Ocean Chemistry> Radionuclides', 'Earth Science > Human
            Dimensions > Environmental Impacts > Nuclear Radiation
            Exposure', 'Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Ocean
            Tracers, Earth Science > Oceans > Marine Sediments', 'Earth
            Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry, Earth Science > Oceans >
            Sea Ice > Isotopes', 'Earth Science > Oceans > Water Quality >
            Ocean Contaminants', 'Earth Science > Biological
            Classification > Animals/Vertebrates > Fish', 'Earth Science >
            Biosphere > Ecosystems > Marine Ecosystems', 'Earth Science >
            Biological Classification > Animals/Invertebrates > Mollusks',
            'Earth Science > Biological Classification >
            Animals/Invertebrates > Arthropods > Crustaceans', 'Earth
            Science > Biological Classification > Plants > Macroalgae

Retrieve global attributes from MARIS dump.

Exported source
kw = ['oceanography', 'Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry> Radionuclides',
      'Earth Science > Human Dimensions > Environmental Impacts > Nuclear Radiation Exposure',
      'Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Ocean Tracers, Earth Science > Oceans > Marine Sediments',
      'Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry, Earth Science > Oceans > Sea Ice > Isotopes',
      'Earth Science > Oceans > Water Quality > Ocean Contaminants',
      'Earth Science > Biological Classification > Animals/Vertebrates > Fish',
      'Earth Science > Biosphere > Ecosystems > Marine Ecosystems',
      'Earth Science > Biological Classification > Animals/Invertebrates > Mollusks',
      'Earth Science > Biological Classification > Animals/Invertebrates > Arthropods > Crustaceans',
      'Earth Science > Biological Classification > Plants > Macroalgae (Seaweeds)']
Exported source
def get_attrs(tfm, zotero_key, kw=kw):
    "Retrieve global attributes from MARIS dump."
    return GlobAttrsFeeder(tfm.dfs, cbs=[
        ZoteroCB(zotero_key, cfg=cfg()),
        KeyValuePairCB('keywords', ', '.join(kw)),
        KeyValuePairCB('publisher_postprocess_logs', ', '.join(tfm.logs))
get_attrs(tfm, zotero_key='3W354SQG', kw=kw)
{'geospatial_lat_min': '30.435833333333335',
 'geospatial_lat_max': '65.75',
 'geospatial_lon_min': '9.633333333333333',
 'geospatial_lon_max': '53.5',
 'geospatial_bounds': 'POLYGON ((9.633333333333333 53.5, 30.435833333333335 53.5, 30.435833333333335 65.75, 9.633333333333333 65.75, 9.633333333333333 53.5))',
 'time_coverage_start': '1984-01-10T00:00:00',
 'time_coverage_end': '2018-12-14T00:00:00',
 'title': 'Radioactivity Monitoring of the Irish Marine Environment 1991 and 1992',
 'summary': '',
 'creator_name': '[{"creatorType": "author", "firstName": "A.", "lastName": "McGarry"}, {"creatorType": "author", "firstName": "S.", "lastName": "Lyons"}, {"creatorType": "author", "firstName": "C.", "lastName": "McEnri"}, {"creatorType": "author", "firstName": "T.", "lastName": "Ryan"}, {"creatorType": "author", "firstName": "M.", "lastName": "O\'Colmain"}, {"creatorType": "author", "firstName": "J.D.", "lastName": "Cunningham"}]',
 'keywords': 'oceanography, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry> Radionuclides, Earth Science > Human Dimensions > Environmental Impacts > Nuclear Radiation Exposure, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Ocean Tracers, Earth Science > Oceans > Marine Sediments, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry, Earth Science > Oceans > Sea Ice > Isotopes, Earth Science > Oceans > Water Quality > Ocean Contaminants, Earth Science > Biological Classification > Animals/Vertebrates > Fish, Earth Science > Biosphere > Ecosystems > Marine Ecosystems, Earth Science > Biological Classification > Animals/Invertebrates > Mollusks, Earth Science > Biological Classification > Animals/Invertebrates > Arthropods > Crustaceans, Earth Science > Biological Classification > Plants > Macroalgae (Seaweeds)',
 'publisher_postprocess_logs': "Remap to MARIS radionuclide names., Renaming variables to MARIS standard names., Drop variable containing only NaN or 'Not available' (id=0 in MARIS lookup tables)., Assign Detection Limit name to its id based on MARIS nomenclature., Encode time as `int` representing seconds since xxx, Drop row when both longitude & latitude equal 0. Drop unrealistic longitude & latitude values. Convert longitude & latitude `,` separator to `.` separator."}



 enums_xtra (tfm, vars)

Retrieve a subset of the lengthy enum as species_t for instance.

Exported source
def enums_xtra(tfm, vars):
    "Retrieve a subset of the lengthy enum as `species_t` for instance."
    enums = Enums(lut_src_dir=lut_path(), cdl_enums=cdl_cfg()['enums'])
    xtras = {}
    for var in vars:
        unique_vals = tfm.unique(var)
        if unique_vals.any():
            xtras[f'{var}_t'] = enums.filter(f'{var}_t', unique_vals)
    return xtras



 encode (fname_in, fname_out, nc_tpl_path, **kwargs)
Exported source
def encode(fname_in, fname_out, nc_tpl_path, **kwargs):
    dataloader = DataLoader(fname_in)
    ref_ids = kwargs.get('ref_ids', df.ref_id.unique())
    print('Encoding ...')
    for ref_id in tqdm(ref_ids, leave=False):
        dfs = dataloader(ref_id=ref_id)
        tfm = Transformer(dfs, cbs=[
        encoder = NetCDFEncoder(tfm.dfs, 
                                dest_fname=Path(fname_out) / get_fname(dfs), 
                                global_attrs=get_attrs(tfm, zotero_key=get_zotero_key(dfs), kw=kw),
                                verbose=kwargs.get('verbose', False),
                                enums_xtra=enums_xtra(tfm, vars=['species', 'body_part'])

Single dataset

tfm = Transformer(dfs, cbs=[

dfs_test = tfm()
ref_id = 100
encode(fname_in, dir_dest, nc_tpl_path(), verbose=True, ref_ids=[ref_id])
Encoding ...
  0%|          | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Group: biota, Variable: lon
Group: biota, Variable: lat
Group: biota, Variable: smp_depth
Group: biota, Variable: time
Group: biota, Variable: area
Group: biota, Variable: bio_group
Group: biota, Variable: species
Group: biota, Variable: body_part
Group: biota, Variable: be7
Group: biota, Variable: be7_unc
Group: biota, Variable: be7_dl
Group: biota, Variable: be7_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: be7_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: be7_unit
Group: biota, Variable: k40
Group: biota, Variable: k40_unc
Group: biota, Variable: k40_dl
Group: biota, Variable: k40_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: k40_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: k40_unit
Group: biota, Variable: mn54
Group: biota, Variable: mn54_unc
Group: biota, Variable: mn54_dl
Group: biota, Variable: mn54_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: mn54_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: mn54_unit
Group: biota, Variable: co57
Group: biota, Variable: co57_unc
Group: biota, Variable: co57_dl
Group: biota, Variable: co57_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: co57_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: co57_unit
Group: biota, Variable: co58
Group: biota, Variable: co58_unc
Group: biota, Variable: co58_dl
Group: biota, Variable: co58_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: co58_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: co58_unit
Group: biota, Variable: co60
Group: biota, Variable: co60_unc
Group: biota, Variable: co60_dl
Group: biota, Variable: co60_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: co60_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: co60_unit
Group: biota, Variable: zn65
Group: biota, Variable: zn65_unc
Group: biota, Variable: zn65_dl
Group: biota, Variable: zn65_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: zn65_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: zn65_unit
Group: biota, Variable: sr89
Group: biota, Variable: sr89_unc
Group: biota, Variable: sr89_dl
Group: biota, Variable: sr89_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: sr89_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: sr89_unit
Group: biota, Variable: sr90
Group: biota, Variable: sr90_unc
Group: biota, Variable: sr90_dl
Group: biota, Variable: sr90_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: sr90_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: sr90_unit
Group: biota, Variable: zr95
Group: biota, Variable: zr95_unc
Group: biota, Variable: zr95_dl
Group: biota, Variable: zr95_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: zr95_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: zr95_unit
Group: biota, Variable: nb95
Group: biota, Variable: nb95_unc
Group: biota, Variable: nb95_dl
Group: biota, Variable: nb95_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: nb95_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: nb95_unit
Group: biota, Variable: tc99
Group: biota, Variable: tc99_unc
Group: biota, Variable: tc99_dl
Group: biota, Variable: tc99_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: tc99_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: tc99_unit
Group: biota, Variable: ru103
Group: biota, Variable: ru103_unc
Group: biota, Variable: ru103_dl
Group: biota, Variable: ru103_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: ru103_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: ru103_unit
Group: biota, Variable: ru106
Group: biota, Variable: ru106_unc
Group: biota, Variable: ru106_dl
Group: biota, Variable: ru106_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: ru106_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: ru106_unit
Group: biota, Variable: ag108m
Group: biota, Variable: ag108m_unc
Group: biota, Variable: ag108m_dl
Group: biota, Variable: ag108m_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: ag108m_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: ag108m_unit
Group: biota, Variable: ag110m
Group: biota, Variable: ag110m_unc
Group: biota, Variable: ag110m_dl
Group: biota, Variable: ag110m_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: ag110m_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: ag110m_unit
Group: biota, Variable: sb124
Group: biota, Variable: sb124_unc
Group: biota, Variable: sb124_dl
Group: biota, Variable: sb124_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: sb124_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: sb124_unit
Group: biota, Variable: sb125
Group: biota, Variable: sb125_unc
Group: biota, Variable: sb125_dl
Group: biota, Variable: sb125_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: sb125_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: sb125_unit
Group: biota, Variable: te129m
Group: biota, Variable: te129m_dl
Group: biota, Variable: te129m_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: te129m_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: te129m_unit
Group: biota, Variable: i131
Group: biota, Variable: i131_dl
Group: biota, Variable: i131_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: i131_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: i131_unit
Group: biota, Variable: cs134
Group: biota, Variable: cs134_unc
Group: biota, Variable: cs134_dl
Group: biota, Variable: cs134_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: cs134_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: cs134_unit
Group: biota, Variable: cs137
Group: biota, Variable: cs137_unc
Group: biota, Variable: cs137_dl
Group: biota, Variable: cs137_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: cs137_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: cs137_unit
Group: biota, Variable: ba140
Group: biota, Variable: ba140_dl
Group: biota, Variable: ba140_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: ba140_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: ba140_unit
Group: biota, Variable: la140
Group: biota, Variable: la140_dl
Group: biota, Variable: la140_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: la140_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: la140_unit
Group: biota, Variable: ce141
Group: biota, Variable: ce141_unc
Group: biota, Variable: ce141_dl
Group: biota, Variable: ce141_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: ce141_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: ce141_unit
Group: biota, Variable: ce144
Group: biota, Variable: ce144_unc
Group: biota, Variable: ce144_dl
Group: biota, Variable: ce144_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: ce144_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: ce144_unit
Group: biota, Variable: eu155
Group: biota, Variable: eu155_unc
Group: biota, Variable: eu155_dl
Group: biota, Variable: eu155_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: eu155_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: eu155_unit
Group: biota, Variable: pb210
Group: biota, Variable: pb210_unc
Group: biota, Variable: pb210_dl
Group: biota, Variable: pb210_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: pb210_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: pb210_unit
Group: biota, Variable: pb212
Group: biota, Variable: pb212_unc
Group: biota, Variable: pb212_dl
Group: biota, Variable: pb212_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: pb212_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: pb212_unit
Group: biota, Variable: pb214
Group: biota, Variable: pb214_unc
Group: biota, Variable: pb214_dl
Group: biota, Variable: pb214_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: pb214_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: pb214_unit
Group: biota, Variable: bi214
Group: biota, Variable: bi214_unc
Group: biota, Variable: bi214_dl
Group: biota, Variable: bi214_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: bi214_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: bi214_unit
Group: biota, Variable: po210
Group: biota, Variable: po210_unc
Group: biota, Variable: po210_dl
Group: biota, Variable: po210_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: po210_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: po210_unit
Group: biota, Variable: ra223
Group: biota, Variable: ra223_unc
Group: biota, Variable: ra223_dl
Group: biota, Variable: ra223_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: ra223_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: ra223_unit
Group: biota, Variable: ra224
Group: biota, Variable: ra224_unc
Group: biota, Variable: ra224_dl
Group: biota, Variable: ra224_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: ra224_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: ra224_unit
Group: biota, Variable: ra226
Group: biota, Variable: ra226_unc
Group: biota, Variable: ra226_dl
Group: biota, Variable: ra226_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: ra226_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: ra226_unit
Group: biota, Variable: ra228
Group: biota, Variable: ra228_unc
Group: biota, Variable: ra228_dl
Group: biota, Variable: ra228_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: ra228_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: ra228_unit
Group: biota, Variable: ac228
Group: biota, Variable: ac228_unc
Group: biota, Variable: ac228_dl
Group: biota, Variable: ac228_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: ac228_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: ac228_unit
Group: biota, Variable: th228
Group: biota, Variable: th228_unc
Group: biota, Variable: th228_dl
Group: biota, Variable: th228_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: th228_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: th228_unit
Group: biota, Variable: th232
Group: biota, Variable: th232_unc
Group: biota, Variable: th232_dl
Group: biota, Variable: th232_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: th232_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: th232_unit
Group: biota, Variable: u235
Group: biota, Variable: u235_unc
Group: biota, Variable: u235_dl
Group: biota, Variable: u235_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: u235_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: u235_unit
Group: biota, Variable: pu238
Group: biota, Variable: pu238_unc
Group: biota, Variable: pu238_dl
Group: biota, Variable: pu238_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: pu238_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: pu238_unit
Group: biota, Variable: am241
Group: biota, Variable: am241_unc
Group: biota, Variable: am241_dl
Group: biota, Variable: am241_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: am241_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: am241_unit
Group: biota, Variable: cs134_137_tot
Group: biota, Variable: cs134_137_tot_unc
Group: biota, Variable: cs134_137_tot_dl
Group: biota, Variable: cs134_137_tot_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: cs134_137_tot_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: cs134_137_tot_unit
Group: biota, Variable: pu239_240_tot
Group: biota, Variable: pu239_240_tot_unc
Group: biota, Variable: pu239_240_tot_dl
Group: biota, Variable: pu239_240_tot_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: pu239_240_tot_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: pu239_240_tot_unit
Group: biota, Variable: eu152
Group: biota, Variable: eu152_unc
Group: biota, Variable: eu152_dl
Group: biota, Variable: eu152_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: eu152_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: eu152_unit
Group: biota, Variable: fe59
Group: biota, Variable: fe59_unc
Group: biota, Variable: fe59_dl
Group: biota, Variable: fe59_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: fe59_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: fe59_unit
Group: biota, Variable: gd153
Group: biota, Variable: gd153_unc
Group: biota, Variable: gd153_dl
Group: biota, Variable: gd153_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: gd153_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: gd153_unit
Group: biota, Variable: rb86
Group: biota, Variable: rb86_unc
Group: biota, Variable: rb86_dl
Group: biota, Variable: rb86_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: rb86_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: rb86_unit
Group: biota, Variable: sc46
Group: biota, Variable: sc46_unc
Group: biota, Variable: sc46_dl
Group: biota, Variable: sc46_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: sc46_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: sc46_unit
Group: biota, Variable: sn113
Group: biota, Variable: sn113_unc
Group: biota, Variable: sn113_dl
Group: biota, Variable: sn113_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: sn113_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: sn113_unit
Group: biota, Variable: sn117m
Group: biota, Variable: sn117m_unc
Group: biota, Variable: sn117m_dl
Group: biota, Variable: sn117m_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: sn117m_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: sn117m_unit
Group: biota, Variable: tl208
Group: biota, Variable: tl208_unc
Group: biota, Variable: tl208_dl
Group: biota, Variable: tl208_counmet
Group: biota, Variable: tl208_prepmet
Group: biota, Variable: tl208_unit
Group: seawater, Variable: lon
Group: seawater, Variable: lat
Group: seawater, Variable: smp_depth
Group: seawater, Variable: tot_depth
Group: seawater, Variable: time
Group: seawater, Variable: area
Group: seawater, Variable: h3
Group: seawater, Variable: h3_unc
Group: seawater, Variable: h3_dl
Group: seawater, Variable: h3_sal
Group: seawater, Variable: h3_temp
Group: seawater, Variable: h3_counmet
Group: seawater, Variable: h3_sampmet
Group: seawater, Variable: h3_prepmet
Group: seawater, Variable: h3_unit
Group: seawater, Variable: k40
Group: seawater, Variable: k40_unc
Group: seawater, Variable: k40_dl
Group: seawater, Variable: k40_sal
Group: seawater, Variable: k40_temp
Group: seawater, Variable: k40_counmet
Group: seawater, Variable: k40_sampmet
Group: seawater, Variable: k40_prepmet
Group: seawater, Variable: k40_unit
Group: seawater, Variable: mn54
Group: seawater, Variable: mn54_dl
Group: seawater, Variable: mn54_sal
Group: seawater, Variable: mn54_temp
Group: seawater, Variable: mn54_counmet
Group: seawater, Variable: mn54_sampmet
Group: seawater, Variable: mn54_prepmet
Group: seawater, Variable: mn54_unit
Group: seawater, Variable: co60
Group: seawater, Variable: co60_unc
Group: seawater, Variable: co60_dl
Group: seawater, Variable: co60_sal
Group: seawater, Variable: co60_temp
Group: seawater, Variable: co60_counmet
Group: seawater, Variable: co60_sampmet
Group: seawater, Variable: co60_prepmet
Group: seawater, Variable: co60_unit
Group: seawater, Variable: sr89
Group: seawater, Variable: sr89_dl
Group: seawater, Variable: sr89_sal
Group: seawater, Variable: sr89_temp
Group: seawater, Variable: sr89_counmet
Group: seawater, Variable: sr89_sampmet
Group: seawater, Variable: sr89_prepmet
Group: seawater, Variable: sr89_unit
Group: seawater, Variable: sr90
Group: seawater, Variable: sr90_unc
Group: seawater, Variable: sr90_dl
Group: seawater, Variable: sr90_sal
Group: seawater, Variable: sr90_temp
Group: seawater, Variable: sr90_counmet
Group: seawater, Variable: sr90_sampmet
Group: seawater, Variable: sr90_prepmet
Group: seawater, Variable: sr90_unit
Group: seawater, Variable: zr95
Group: seawater, Variable: zr95_unc
Group: seawater, Variable: zr95_dl
Group: seawater, Variable: zr95_sal
Group: seawater, Variable: zr95_counmet
Group: seawater, Variable: zr95_sampmet
Group: seawater, Variable: zr95_prepmet
Group: seawater, Variable: zr95_unit
Group: seawater, Variable: nb95
Group: seawater, Variable: nb95_unc
Group: seawater, Variable: nb95_dl
Group: seawater, Variable: nb95_sal
Group: seawater, Variable: nb95_temp
Group: seawater, Variable: nb95_counmet
Group: seawater, Variable: nb95_sampmet
Group: seawater, Variable: nb95_prepmet
Group: seawater, Variable: nb95_unit
Group: seawater, Variable: tc99
Group: seawater, Variable: tc99_unc
Group: seawater, Variable: tc99_dl
Group: seawater, Variable: tc99_sal
Group: seawater, Variable: tc99_temp
Group: seawater, Variable: tc99_counmet
Group: seawater, Variable: tc99_sampmet
Group: seawater, Variable: tc99_prepmet
Group: seawater, Variable: tc99_unit
Group: seawater, Variable: ru103
Group: seawater, Variable: ru103_unc
Group: seawater, Variable: ru103_dl
Group: seawater, Variable: ru103_sal
Group: seawater, Variable: ru103_temp
Group: seawater, Variable: ru103_counmet
Group: seawater, Variable: ru103_sampmet
Group: seawater, Variable: ru103_prepmet
Group: seawater, Variable: ru103_unit
Group: seawater, Variable: ru106
Group: seawater, Variable: ru106_unc
Group: seawater, Variable: ru106_dl
Group: seawater, Variable: ru106_sal
Group: seawater, Variable: ru106_temp
Group: seawater, Variable: ru106_counmet
Group: seawater, Variable: ru106_sampmet
Group: seawater, Variable: ru106_prepmet
Group: seawater, Variable: ru106_unit
Group: seawater, Variable: ag110m
Group: seawater, Variable: ag110m_unc
Group: seawater, Variable: ag110m_dl
Group: seawater, Variable: ag110m_sal
Group: seawater, Variable: ag110m_counmet
Group: seawater, Variable: ag110m_sampmet
Group: seawater, Variable: ag110m_prepmet
Group: seawater, Variable: ag110m_unit
Group: seawater, Variable: sb125
Group: seawater, Variable: sb125_unc
Group: seawater, Variable: sb125_dl
Group: seawater, Variable: sb125_sal
Group: seawater, Variable: sb125_temp
Group: seawater, Variable: sb125_counmet
Group: seawater, Variable: sb125_sampmet
Group: seawater, Variable: sb125_prepmet
Group: seawater, Variable: sb125_unit
Group: seawater, Variable: cs134
Group: seawater, Variable: cs134_unc
Group: seawater, Variable: cs134_dl
Group: seawater, Variable: cs134_sal
Group: seawater, Variable: cs134_temp
Group: seawater, Variable: cs134_counmet
Group: seawater, Variable: cs134_sampmet
Group: seawater, Variable: cs134_prepmet
Group: seawater, Variable: cs134_unit
Group: seawater, Variable: cs137
Group: seawater, Variable: cs137_unc
Group: seawater, Variable: cs137_dl
Group: seawater, Variable: cs137_sal
Group: seawater, Variable: cs137_temp
Group: seawater, Variable: cs137_counmet
Group: seawater, Variable: cs137_sampmet
Group: seawater, Variable: cs137_prepmet
Group: seawater, Variable: cs137_unit
Group: seawater, Variable: ba140
Group: seawater, Variable: ba140_unc
Group: seawater, Variable: ba140_dl
Group: seawater, Variable: ba140_sal
Group: seawater, Variable: ba140_counmet
Group: seawater, Variable: ba140_sampmet
Group: seawater, Variable: ba140_prepmet
Group: seawater, Variable: ba140_unit
Group: seawater, Variable: ce144
Group: seawater, Variable: ce144_unc
Group: seawater, Variable: ce144_dl
Group: seawater, Variable: ce144_sal
Group: seawater, Variable: ce144_counmet
Group: seawater, Variable: ce144_sampmet
Group: seawater, Variable: ce144_prepmet
Group: seawater, Variable: ce144_unit
Group: seawater, Variable: pb210
Group: seawater, Variable: pb210_unc
Group: seawater, Variable: pb210_dl
Group: seawater, Variable: pb210_sal
Group: seawater, Variable: pb210_temp
Group: seawater, Variable: pb210_counmet
Group: seawater, Variable: pb210_sampmet
Group: seawater, Variable: pb210_prepmet
Group: seawater, Variable: pb210_unit
Group: seawater, Variable: po210
Group: seawater, Variable: po210_unc
Group: seawater, Variable: po210_dl
Group: seawater, Variable: po210_sal
Group: seawater, Variable: po210_temp
Group: seawater, Variable: po210_counmet
Group: seawater, Variable: po210_sampmet
Group: seawater, Variable: po210_prepmet
Group: seawater, Variable: po210_unit
Group: seawater, Variable: u234
Group: seawater, Variable: u234_dl
Group: seawater, Variable: u234_sal
Group: seawater, Variable: u234_temp
Group: seawater, Variable: u234_counmet
Group: seawater, Variable: u234_sampmet
Group: seawater, Variable: u234_prepmet
Group: seawater, Variable: u234_unit
Group: seawater, Variable: u238
Group: seawater, Variable: u238_dl
Group: seawater, Variable: u238_sal
Group: seawater, Variable: u238_temp
Group: seawater, Variable: u238_counmet
Group: seawater, Variable: u238_sampmet
Group: seawater, Variable: u238_prepmet
Group: seawater, Variable: u238_unit
Group: seawater, Variable: np237
Group: seawater, Variable: np237_unc
Group: seawater, Variable: np237_dl
Group: seawater, Variable: np237_sal
Group: seawater, Variable: np237_counmet
Group: seawater, Variable: np237_sampmet
Group: seawater, Variable: np237_prepmet
Group: seawater, Variable: np237_unit
Group: seawater, Variable: pu238
Group: seawater, Variable: pu238_unc
Group: seawater, Variable: pu238_dl
Group: seawater, Variable: pu238_sal
Group: seawater, Variable: pu238_temp
Group: seawater, Variable: pu238_counmet
Group: seawater, Variable: pu238_sampmet
Group: seawater, Variable: pu238_prepmet
Group: seawater, Variable: pu238_unit
Group: seawater, Variable: pu239
Group: seawater, Variable: pu239_unc
Group: seawater, Variable: pu239_dl
Group: seawater, Variable: pu239_sal
Group: seawater, Variable: pu239_temp
Group: seawater, Variable: pu239_counmet
Group: seawater, Variable: pu239_sampmet
Group: seawater, Variable: pu239_prepmet
Group: seawater, Variable: pu239_unit
Group: seawater, Variable: pu240
Group: seawater, Variable: pu240_unc
Group: seawater, Variable: pu240_dl
Group: seawater, Variable: pu240_sal
Group: seawater, Variable: pu240_counmet
Group: seawater, Variable: pu240_sampmet
Group: seawater, Variable: pu240_prepmet
Group: seawater, Variable: pu240_unit
Group: seawater, Variable: am241
Group: seawater, Variable: am241_unc
Group: seawater, Variable: am241_dl
Group: seawater, Variable: am241_sal
Group: seawater, Variable: am241_temp
Group: seawater, Variable: am241_counmet
Group: seawater, Variable: am241_sampmet
Group: seawater, Variable: am241_prepmet
Group: seawater, Variable: am241_unit
Group: seawater, Variable: cm242
Group: seawater, Variable: cm242_unc
Group: seawater, Variable: cm242_dl
Group: seawater, Variable: cm242_sal
Group: seawater, Variable: cm242_temp
Group: seawater, Variable: cm242_counmet
Group: seawater, Variable: cm242_sampmet
Group: seawater, Variable: cm242_prepmet
Group: seawater, Variable: cm242_unit
Group: seawater, Variable: cm244
Group: seawater, Variable: cm244_unc
Group: seawater, Variable: cm244_dl
Group: seawater, Variable: cm244_sal
Group: seawater, Variable: cm244_temp
Group: seawater, Variable: cm244_counmet
Group: seawater, Variable: cm244_sampmet
Group: seawater, Variable: cm244_prepmet
Group: seawater, Variable: cm244_unit
Group: seawater, Variable: pu239_240_tot
Group: seawater, Variable: pu239_240_tot_unc
Group: seawater, Variable: pu239_240_tot_dl
Group: seawater, Variable: pu239_240_tot_sal
Group: seawater, Variable: pu239_240_tot_temp
Group: seawater, Variable: pu239_240_tot_counmet
Group: seawater, Variable: pu239_240_tot_sampmet
Group: seawater, Variable: pu239_240_tot_prepmet
Group: seawater, Variable: pu239_240_tot_unit
Group: seawater, Variable: cm243_244_tot
Group: seawater, Variable: cm243_244_tot_unc
Group: seawater, Variable: cm243_244_tot_dl
Group: seawater, Variable: cm243_244_tot_sal
Group: seawater, Variable: cm243_244_tot_temp
Group: seawater, Variable: cm243_244_tot_counmet
Group: seawater, Variable: cm243_244_tot_sampmet
Group: seawater, Variable: cm243_244_tot_prepmet
Group: seawater, Variable: cm243_244_tot_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: lon
Group: sediment, Variable: lat
Group: sediment, Variable: smp_depth
Group: sediment, Variable: tot_depth
Group: sediment, Variable: time
Group: sediment, Variable: area
Group: sediment, Variable: sed_type
Group: sediment, Variable: be7
Group: sediment, Variable: be7_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: be7_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: be7_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: be7_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: be7_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: k40
Group: sediment, Variable: k40_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: k40_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: k40_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: k40_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: k40_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: mn54
Group: sediment, Variable: mn54_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: mn54_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: mn54_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: mn54_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: mn54_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: co58
Group: sediment, Variable: co58_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: co58_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: co58_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: co58_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: co58_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: co60
Group: sediment, Variable: co60_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: co60_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: co60_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: co60_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: co60_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: zn65
Group: sediment, Variable: zn65_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: zn65_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: zn65_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: zn65_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: zn65_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: sr90
Group: sediment, Variable: sr90_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: sr90_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: sr90_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: sr90_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: sr90_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: zr95
Group: sediment, Variable: zr95_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: zr95_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: zr95_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: zr95_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: zr95_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: nb95
Group: sediment, Variable: nb95_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: nb95_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: nb95_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: nb95_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: nb95_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: ru103
Group: sediment, Variable: ru103_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: ru103_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: ru103_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: ru103_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: ru103_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: ru106
Group: sediment, Variable: ru106_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: ru106_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: ru106_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: ru106_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: ru106_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: ag110m
Group: sediment, Variable: ag110m_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: ag110m_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: ag110m_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: ag110m_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: ag110m_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: sb124
Group: sediment, Variable: sb124_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: sb124_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: sb124_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: sb124_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: sb124_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: sb125
Group: sediment, Variable: sb125_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: sb125_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: sb125_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: sb125_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: sb125_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: cs134
Group: sediment, Variable: cs134_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: cs134_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: cs134_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: cs134_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: cs134_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: cs137
Group: sediment, Variable: cs137_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: cs137_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: cs137_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: cs137_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: cs137_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: ba140
Group: sediment, Variable: ba140_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: ba140_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: ba140_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: ba140_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: ba140_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: ce144
Group: sediment, Variable: ce144_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: ce144_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: ce144_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: ce144_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: ce144_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: eu155
Group: sediment, Variable: eu155_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: eu155_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: eu155_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: eu155_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: eu155_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: pb210
Group: sediment, Variable: pb210_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: pb210_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: pb210_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: pb210_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: pb210_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: pb212
Group: sediment, Variable: pb212_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: pb212_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: pb212_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: pb212_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: pb212_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: pb214
Group: sediment, Variable: pb214_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: pb214_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: pb214_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: pb214_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: pb214_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: bi214
Group: sediment, Variable: bi214_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: bi214_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: bi214_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: bi214_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: bi214_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: po210
Group: sediment, Variable: po210_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: po210_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: po210_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: po210_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: po210_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: ra223
Group: sediment, Variable: ra223_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: ra223_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: ra223_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: ra223_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: ra223_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: ra224
Group: sediment, Variable: ra224_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: ra224_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: ra224_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: ra224_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: ra224_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: ra226
Group: sediment, Variable: ra226_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: ra226_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: ra226_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: ra226_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: ra226_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: ra228
Group: sediment, Variable: ra228_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: ra228_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: ra228_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: ra228_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: ra228_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: ac228
Group: sediment, Variable: ac228_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: ac228_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: ac228_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: ac228_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: ac228_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: th228
Group: sediment, Variable: th228_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: th228_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: th228_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: th228_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: th228_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: th232
Group: sediment, Variable: th232_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: th232_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: th232_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: th232_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: th232_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: th234
Group: sediment, Variable: th234_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: th234_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: th234_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: th234_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: th234_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: u235
Group: sediment, Variable: u235_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: u235_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: u235_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: u235_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: u235_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: pu238
Group: sediment, Variable: pu238_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: pu238_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: pu238_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: pu238_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: pu238_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: pu239
Group: sediment, Variable: pu239_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: pu239_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: pu239_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: pu239_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: pu239_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: pu241
Group: sediment, Variable: pu241_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: pu241_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: pu241_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: pu241_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: pu241_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: am241
Group: sediment, Variable: am241_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: am241_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: am241_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: am241_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: am241_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: cs134_137_tot
Group: sediment, Variable: cs134_137_tot_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: cs134_137_tot_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: cs134_137_tot_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: cs134_137_tot_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: cs134_137_tot_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: pu239_240_tot
Group: sediment, Variable: pu239_240_tot_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: pu239_240_tot_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: pu239_240_tot_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: pu239_240_tot_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: pu239_240_tot_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: cd109
Group: sediment, Variable: cd109_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: cd109_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: cd109_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: cd109_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: cd109_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: ir192
Group: sediment, Variable: ir192_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: ir192_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: ir192_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: ir192_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: ir192_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: pu238_240_tot
Group: sediment, Variable: pu238_240_tot_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: pu238_240_tot_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: pu238_240_tot_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: pu238_240_tot_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: tl208
Group: sediment, Variable: tl208_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: tl208_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: tl208_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: tl208_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: tl208_unit
Group: sediment, Variable: bi212
Group: sediment, Variable: bi212_unc
Group: sediment, Variable: bi212_dl
Group: sediment, Variable: bi212_sampmet
Group: sediment, Variable: bi212_prepmet
Group: sediment, Variable: bi212_unit

All datasets

encode(fname_in, dir_dest, nc_tpl_path(), verbose=False)