Generate random sample locations.



 Sampler (smp_areas:geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame)

Sample random location in smp_areas.

Type Details
smp_areas GeoDataFrame Geographical area to sample from.
Returns GeoDataFrame loc_id, geometry (Point or MultiPoint).
Exported source
class Sampler:
    "Sample random location in `smp_areas`."
    def __init__(self, 
                 smp_areas:gpd.GeoDataFrame, # Geographical area to sample from.
                ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: # loc_id, geometry (Point or MultiPoint).
    def loc_ids(self):
        arr = self.smp_areas.reset_index().loc_id.values
        if len(arr) != len(np.unique(arr)):
            raise ValueError(f'{self.loc_id_col} column contains non-unique values.')
            return arr
    def sample(self, 
               n:np.ndarray, # Number of samples
        mask = n == 0    
        pts_gseries = self.smp_areas[~mask].sample_points(n[~mask], **kwargs)
        gdf_pts = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=pts_gseries, index=pts_gseries.index) = 'loc_id'
        return gdf_pts

How to use:

fname_raster = './files/ground-truth-02-4326-simulated.tif'
gdf_grid = gridder(fname_raster, nrows=10, ncols=10)

sampler = Sampler(gdf_grid)
n = np.random.randint(0, high=10, size=len(gdf_grid), dtype=int)
gdf_samples = sampler.sample(n, method='uniform'); print(gdf_samples.head())
0       MULTIPOINT (-1.21319 43.01176, -1.20744 43.005...
1       MULTIPOINT (-1.22320 43.03429, -1.21657 43.051...
2       MULTIPOINT (-1.22229 43.09713, -1.21626 43.078...
3       MULTIPOINT (-1.22233 43.12831, -1.22226 43.101...
4       MULTIPOINT (-1.21914 43.16511, -1.21857 43.168...
ax = gdf_samples.plot(markersize=1, c=red)
gdf_grid.boundary.plot(ax=ax, color=black, lw=0.5)



 rank_to_sample (ranks:numpy.ndarray, budget:int, min:int=0,

Map ranks to number of samples to be collected

Type Default Details
ranks ndarray Ranks sorted by loc_ids
budget int Total data collection budget available
min int 0 Minimum of samples to be collected per area of interest
policy str Weighted policy used form mapping ranks to number of samples
Returns ndarray Number of samples per area of interest to be collected in the same order as ranks
Exported source
def rank_to_sample(ranks:np.ndarray, # Ranks sorted by `loc_id`s
                   budget:int, # Total data collection budget available
                   min:int=0, # Minimum of samples to be collected per area of interest
                  policy:str="Weighted" # policy used form mapping ranks to number of samples
                  ) -> np.ndarray: # Number of samples per area of interest to be collected in the same order as ranks
    "Map ranks to number of samples to be collected"
    if policy == "Weighted":
        weights = 1/ranks
        normalized_weights = np.array(weights) / np.sum(weights)
        allocation = np.round(budget * normalized_weights).astype(int)
        return np.where(allocation < min, min, allocation)
    elif policy == "quantiles":
        # 4. Sampling policy (based on 4 quantiles of rank)
        n_quantile = len(ranks)/4
        sampling_policy = [int(budget*0.5/n_quantile), int(budget*0.3/n_quantile), int(budget*0.20/n_quantile), 0]

        # Calculate quantiles thresholds
        quantiles_thresholds = np.quantile(ranks, [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0])
        # Assign each rank to a quantile
        quantile_indices = np.digitize(ranks, quantiles_thresholds, right=True)
        # Map each quantile to its corresponding value in sampling_policy
        samples_per_quantile = np.array([sampling_policy[i] for i in quantile_indices])
        # Ensure minimum samples collected per area
        samples_per_quantile = np.where(samples_per_quantile < min, min, samples_per_quantile)
        return samples_per_quantile
        raise ValueError(f'Policy {policy} not implemented.')