4.4. Validation curve by Soil Taxonomy Orders (CNN)

CNN validation loss by Soil Taxonomy Orders

if 'google.colab' in str(get_ipython()):
    from google.colab import drive
    drive.mount('/content/drive',  force_remount=False)
    !pip install mirzai
# Python utils
import math
from collections import OrderedDict
from tqdm.auto import tqdm
from pathlib import Path
import pickle

# mirzai utilities
from mirzai.data.loading import load_kssl
from mirzai.training.core import load_dumps
from mirzai.vis.core import (centimeter, PRIMARY_COLOR, 
                             set_style, DEFAULT_STYLE)

# Data science stack
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Data vis.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
from cycler import cycler

import warnings

Load and transform

src_dir = 'data'
fnames = ['spectra-features.npy', 'spectra-wavenumbers.npy', 
          'depth-order.npy', 'target.npy', 
          'tax-order-lu.pkl', 'spectra-id.npy']

X, X_names, depth_order, y, tax_lookup, X_id = load_kssl(src_dir, fnames=fnames)



def format_tax_losses(losses, idx=None):
    if idx is None:
        losses_tax = []
        for i, loss in enumerate(losses):
            df_seed = pd.DataFrame(loss['valid_tax']).T
            df_seed.index.name = 'tax'
        df = pd.concat(losses_tax)
        return df.reset_index().groupby('tax').mean().reset_index()
        df_seed = pd.DataFrame(losses[idx]['valid_tax']).T
        df_seed.index.name = 'tax'
        return df_seed


dest_dir_loss = Path('dumps/cnn/train_eval/all/losses')
losses = load_dumps(dest_dir_loss)
df_loss_all_mean = pd.DataFrame([loss['valid'] for loss in losses]).mean()
array([0.14582814, 0.09014846, 0.07893631, 0.07276324, 0.07073818,
       0.06707921, 0.0625751 , 0.05599464, 0.05248269, 0.04967756,
       0.046866  , 0.04880906, 0.05141463, 0.05284351, 0.05540708,
       0.05563474, 0.05164713, 0.04905587, 0.04571185, 0.04315375,
       0.04110955, 0.04223788, 0.04455341, 0.04628459, 0.05034362,
       0.05034709, 0.04645335, 0.04503993, 0.0423074 , 0.04000635,
       0.03812311, 0.03942788, 0.04132601, 0.04227399, 0.04667591,
       0.04809851, 0.04418473, 0.04192892, 0.04063427, 0.03810782,
       0.03614225, 0.03727109, 0.03956102, 0.04122068, 0.04300844,
       0.04640118, 0.04282962, 0.04091016, 0.03853729, 0.03682557,
       0.03487694, 0.03627837, 0.03842524, 0.03981313, 0.04410538,
       0.04434885, 0.04282881, 0.03975203, 0.03722999, 0.03535308,
       0.03379202, 0.03589583, 0.03702463, 0.03876628, 0.04165303,
       0.04548378, 0.04082348, 0.03925791, 0.03737891, 0.0351957 ,
       0.03304794, 0.03445445, 0.03572285, 0.03869938, 0.04030689,
       0.04104632, 0.04048262, 0.03780278, 0.03554481, 0.03410327,
       0.03247798, 0.03368324, 0.03557672, 0.03649407, 0.03866227,
       0.04052344, 0.03961371, 0.03757647, 0.0350988 , 0.03336657,
       0.03200022, 0.03318095, 0.03569654, 0.0362442 , 0.03761844,
       0.04199123, 0.03784717, 0.03650881, 0.0344024 , 0.03328214,
       0.03169661, 0.03307035, 0.0344853 , 0.03680656, 0.03922563,
       0.04119334, 0.03634852, 0.03607549, 0.03402154, 0.03302471,
       0.03142086, 0.0328199 , 0.03437598, 0.03562572, 0.03644703,
       0.03928935, 0.03724415, 0.0347058 , 0.0335458 , 0.03231729,
       0.03109171, 0.03247988, 0.0336959 , 0.03519582, 0.035883  ,
       0.03786512, 0.03678176, 0.0361663 , 0.03366792, 0.03258806,
       0.03082712, 0.03266753, 0.03334443, 0.0340696 , 0.03588395,
       0.03690009, 0.03612227, 0.0347346 , 0.03323   , 0.032378  ,
       0.03065846, 0.03213505, 0.0328987 , 0.03498865, 0.03602875,
       0.03856968, 0.03543443, 0.0344587 , 0.03336348, 0.03221112,
       0.0305272 , 0.03203912, 0.03337082, 0.03419619, 0.03735174,
       0.03675175, 0.03624353, 0.03369276, 0.03310249, 0.03192003,
       0.03038229, 0.03181916, 0.03348516, 0.03550255, 0.03607852,
       0.03806242, 0.03534237, 0.03439606, 0.03301949, 0.03169708,
       0.03017788, 0.03145204, 0.03313161, 0.03380575, 0.03539771,
       0.03568755, 0.03461054, 0.03325683, 0.03267145, 0.03180435,
       0.03008223, 0.0319777 , 0.03314908, 0.03342559, 0.03488767,
       0.03633015, 0.03424385, 0.03341905, 0.03243577, 0.0317504 ,
       0.02996512, 0.0314795 , 0.0332628 , 0.03418779, 0.03427937,
       0.0358278 , 0.03570055, 0.03365938, 0.03267484, 0.03144413,
# Exclude "Oxisols" as too few samples
tax_of_interest = {k: v for k, v in tax_lookup.items() if k != 'oxisols'}
{'alfisols': 0,
 'mollisols': 1,
 'inceptisols': 2,
 'entisols': 3,
 'spodosols': 4,
 'undefined': 5,
 'ultisols': 6,
 'andisols': 7,
 'histosols': 8,
 'vertisols': 10,
 'aridisols': 11,
 'gelisols': 12}
df = format_tax_losses(losses, idx=None).filter(items=tax_of_interest.values(), axis=0); df
tax 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200
0 0 0.136776 0.056102 0.051624 0.049182 0.046964 0.046138 0.043792 0.039819 0.038829 ... 0.026873 0.027761 0.028256 0.028500 0.029622 0.029936 0.027817 0.027758 0.026603 0.025761
1 1 0.108970 0.074844 0.066805 0.060365 0.060410 0.057207 0.053487 0.046880 0.044224 ... 0.025806 0.027472 0.028190 0.028275 0.029406 0.029591 0.027757 0.026725 0.025784 0.024443
2 2 0.179343 0.080996 0.071688 0.070212 0.064672 0.065054 0.060657 0.055836 0.054061 ... 0.036132 0.037807 0.038594 0.039017 0.039383 0.039225 0.038377 0.037397 0.036353 0.034852
3 3 0.166356 0.087728 0.078601 0.075305 0.066709 0.067684 0.064100 0.057511 0.054260 ... 0.029942 0.031722 0.032132 0.032915 0.035358 0.035649 0.031892 0.030620 0.030083 0.028646
4 4 0.197614 0.083122 0.072006 0.068903 0.068574 0.066645 0.065523 0.062196 0.057514 ... 0.039557 0.039785 0.040462 0.042845 0.044306 0.044326 0.041461 0.040120 0.039678 0.039088
5 5 0.153747 0.107503 0.092829 0.084751 0.082516 0.076731 0.070696 0.062839 0.057833 ... 0.032669 0.034629 0.035730 0.035848 0.037953 0.037656 0.035190 0.034110 0.032548 0.030803
6 6 0.152534 0.064571 0.060710 0.058852 0.059420 0.059187 0.055980 0.054683 0.053309 ... 0.038558 0.039243 0.041479 0.041662 0.043007 0.042023 0.040298 0.040001 0.038738 0.037550
7 7 0.169730 0.083335 0.069036 0.065518 0.060544 0.063257 0.060464 0.051612 0.047301 ... 0.029281 0.031648 0.032247 0.031448 0.033532 0.033072 0.031675 0.029762 0.028676 0.026958
8 8 0.293496 0.203235 0.151515 0.138089 0.133604 0.122406 0.117703 0.106278 0.100228 ... 0.064171 0.067258 0.070667 0.069261 0.071917 0.070003 0.069514 0.068517 0.065218 0.062353
10 10 0.106765 0.070213 0.062454 0.057815 0.055850 0.050079 0.046619 0.039625 0.037970 ... 0.022706 0.024911 0.024899 0.025516 0.026076 0.025788 0.025336 0.023495 0.023181 0.021947
11 11 0.132431 0.100199 0.091722 0.084992 0.084716 0.081571 0.074755 0.068620 0.063533 ... 0.037069 0.039889 0.041584 0.039900 0.042083 0.039988 0.039025 0.038969 0.037147 0.034838
12 12 0.269967 0.159637 0.136138 0.130422 0.111166 0.105764 0.104931 0.086638 0.082811 ... 0.050695 0.054884 0.057524 0.055711 0.055529 0.056401 0.056093 0.053794 0.052021 0.049314

12 rows × 202 columns

indexes = [i for i in range(len(losses[0]['valid_tax'])) if not i%10]
df_selected_tax = df[indexes[2:]].T
df_selected_all = df_loss_all_mean[indexes[2:]]

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12
20 0.032607 0.034638 0.045875 0.041617 0.046397 0.043431 0.047601 0.036641 0.081370 0.029222 0.048862 0.061913
30 0.030932 0.032115 0.043283 0.037829 0.043756 0.039932 0.045231 0.034765 0.076238 0.027701 0.044190 0.058242
40 0.029718 0.030283 0.041323 0.035609 0.042389 0.037653 0.043479 0.032929 0.073283 0.027140 0.041524 0.055829
50 0.029158 0.029090 0.040370 0.034228 0.040828 0.036120 0.042232 0.032216 0.071332 0.026365 0.040523 0.054847
60 0.028400 0.028178 0.039149 0.032863 0.040171 0.034912 0.040847 0.031589 0.070367 0.025167 0.039058 0.053372
70 0.027902 0.027529 0.038346 0.031901 0.039783 0.034051 0.040239 0.031052 0.068467 0.024631 0.038168 0.052347
80 0.027659 0.026991 0.037488 0.030898 0.039623 0.033449 0.039798 0.030357 0.067050 0.024588 0.037636 0.051267
90 0.027229 0.026614 0.036943 0.030656 0.039570 0.032891 0.039234 0.030320 0.066097 0.023612 0.036969 0.050530
100 0.027036 0.026320 0.036623 0.029997 0.039183 0.032602 0.038751 0.029793 0.065453 0.023484 0.035918 0.051719
110 0.026978 0.026052 0.036248 0.029669 0.039254 0.032338 0.038368 0.029803 0.064705 0.023107 0.036339 0.050241
120 0.026698 0.025662 0.035772 0.029381 0.039068 0.031964 0.038495 0.029521 0.063948 0.023047 0.036142 0.050535
130 0.026518 0.025433 0.035409 0.028974 0.038853 0.031759 0.038028 0.028710 0.063033 0.022909 0.035758 0.050205
140 0.026253 0.025275 0.035423 0.029010 0.038941 0.031570 0.038232 0.028489 0.062779 0.022545 0.035582 0.049381
150 0.026318 0.025069 0.035212 0.028338 0.038775 0.031421 0.038360 0.028602 0.062334 0.022152 0.035817 0.049453
160 0.026169 0.025002 0.035056 0.028403 0.039017 0.031195 0.037916 0.028707 0.062255 0.022264 0.035208 0.050368
170 0.026144 0.024773 0.034726 0.028882 0.038378 0.030972 0.038065 0.027879 0.061568 0.021844 0.035046 0.050528
180 0.026045 0.024655 0.034677 0.028401 0.038746 0.030909 0.037958 0.028300 0.061259 0.021814 0.034687 0.049658
190 0.025905 0.024487 0.034526 0.028732 0.039135 0.030784 0.037352 0.027796 0.060807 0.021915 0.034836 0.049858
200 0.025761 0.024443 0.034852 0.028646 0.039088 0.030803 0.037550 0.026958 0.062353 0.021947 0.034838 0.049314


def plot_val_losses_tax(df_tax, df_all, tax_lookup,
                        figsize=(16*centimeter, 10*centimeter), dpi=600):
    # Layout 
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=600)
    gs = GridSpec(nrows=1, ncols=1)
    ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0])

    cc = (cycler(color=[f'C{i}' for i in range(7)]) *
          cycler(linestyle=['-', '--']))

    epochs = df_tax.index.to_numpy()
    # Plots
    for tax_label, tax_idx in tax_lookup.items():
        #ax.plot(epochs, np.mean(deltas[:,:,tax_idx], axis=0), 
        ax.plot(epochs, df_tax.loc[:, tax_idx], 
    ax.plot(epochs, df_all, 
    # Ornaments
    ax.legend(loc='best', frameon=False, ncol=3) 
    #ax.set_ylabel('$MSE_{test} - MSE_{train}$ →', loc='top')
    ax.set_ylabel('Validation loss (MSE) →', loc='top')
    ax.set_xlabel('Number of epochs →', loc='right')
    ax.grid(True, "minor", color="0.85", linewidth=0.2, zorder=-2)
    ax.grid(True, "major", color="0.65", linewidth=0.4, zorder=-1) 
#FIG_PATH = Path('nameofyourfolder')
FIG_PATH = Path('images')
plot_val_losses_tax(df_selected_tax, df_selected_all, tax_of_interest)

# To save/export it
plt.savefig(FIG_PATH/'validation_loss_tax.png', dpi=600, transparent=True, format='png')