I want to create an Python package implementing a Self Organizing Map. Several Python packages already exist but I would prefer creating it from scratch to be sure to understand every single piece.
The SOM implementation will be flexible and accept different distance metrics, learning rate and gaussian radius schedulers and assess SOM’s quality using relevant metrics.
I want to comply with Polya’s “How to solve it framework”.
I want also to make sure it uses numpy vectorization everywhere possible and use fastcore.
Refactoring as class should come at the end.
AI Response
I’ll help you create a Self-Organizing Map (SOM) implementation from scratch. Let’s follow Polya’s framework step by step.
First, let’s understand the problem:
Can you tell me your current familiarity with SOMs and what specific aspects you want to focus on?
Are you comfortable with numpy vectorization?
Do you have experience with fastcore?
This will help me tailor the guidance to your needs and ensure we build on your existing knowledge.
Also, before we proceed, could you outline which distance metrics and quality assessment measures you’re particularly interested in implementing? This will help us plan the architecture effectively.
AI Prompt
Let me try reformulating the SOM’s approach and tell me if my understanding is correct.
We have a grid of (random - but could be informed by data itself) weights (same dimension of the input).
For each sample of our training set, we want to find the weight most similar to the input (bmu - best matching unit in SOM’s jargon).
Once found we define a neighorhood function that essentially equal to 1 at the grid index of the bmu and decays/vanishes as further away from the bmu, as parametrized by a gaussian function with parameter sigma (to define a notion of “locality”).
Then the objective is to “pull” all weights toward this individual input but proportionaly to this neighborhood function. It means that we take the difference between the given input and the weights, and update the weights according to those differences and the neighborhood function.
A learning rate parameter also allow to specifify how quickly we want to update the weights for each sample.
What do you think? Did I capture the key concepts?
AI Response
Yes, that’s an excellent and accurate description of the SOM algorithm! Let me highlight the key components you’ve identified:
Grid of weights (prototype vectors)
Initialize randomly (or with PCA/other informed methods)
Same dimensionality as input data
Best Matching Unit (BMU)
For each input, find closest weight vector
Requires distance metric (commonly Euclidean)
Neighborhood function
Gaussian decay from BMU location
Controlled by sigma parameter (radius)
Defines “influence zone” on grid
Weight update rule
Pull weights towards input
Strength determined by:
Learning rate (overall step size)
Neighborhood function (locality-based influence)
Would you like to start breaking this down into smaller implementation steps? We could begin by focusing on one of these components. Which part would you like to tackle first?
Devising plan
AI Prompt
Ok let’s devise a plan that I can use to further monitor my progress along my implementation.
AI Response
Following Polya’s framework, let’s create a structured plan. Here’s a suggested breakdown - please let me know if you’d like to modify any part:
Would you like to refine this plan? We can discuss what specific functionality you want in each component before starting the implementation.
AI Prompt
It sounds perfect! Let’s carry out the plan.
AI Response
Great! Let’s start with the first component: initializing the weight grid.
Before we write any code, we need to decide: 1. What parameters will we need for initialization? - Grid dimensions (e.g., n_rows, n_cols) - Input data dimension - Initialization method (random, PCA-based, etc.)
Would you like to start implementing the weight grid initialization? What initialization method would you prefer to begin with?
Let me know your preferences, and we can discuss how to make it efficient using numpy vectorization.
Carrying out the plan
I.1 Weight grid
import numpy as npgrid_sz = (3,3)ws = np.random.randn(*grid_sz)ws.shape, wsws.shape, ws
import matplotlib.pyplot as pltplt.figure(figsize=(3, 2)) # Compact figure sizeplt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 6}) # Base font size# Create meshgrid for plottingx, y = np.meshgrid(range(grid_sz[0]), range(grid_sz[1]))plt.scatter(x, y, c=ws, s=100, cmap='viridis') plt.colorbar(label='Weight values')plt.grid(True)plt.title('2D SOM Grid Initial Weights', fontsize=6)plt.xlabel('X coordinate', fontsize=6)plt.ylabel('Y coordinate', fontsize=6)plt.xticks(fontsize=6)plt.yticks(fontsize=6)plt.tight_layout()plt.show()
I.2 Distance
ws = np.random.randn(3,3,200)ws.shape
(3, 3, 200)
X = np.random.randn(100,200)X.shape
(100, 200)
AI Prompt
Each node of the grid (here 3x3) has a weight of 200 dimensions in our toy example. How to take the euclidean distance between each weight and a 200-dimensional input?
AI Response
Let’s think about this vectorized approach:
For Euclidean distance, we need √(Σ(x-w)²) between:
One input vector (1, 200)
All weight vectors (3, 3, 200)
We have two main vectorized approaches we could use: 1. Using numpy broadcasting and np.sum 2. Using scipy’s cdist (which handles this specific case)
Would you like to try implementing one of these approaches? I can guide you through the numpy broadcasting solution first if you’d like, or we can discuss the trade-offs between the two approaches.
Which would you prefer to explore first?
Numpy will broadcast the 1-dimensioal input vector of shape (200,) to (3,3,200) to align it to the weights shape. We want the distance between each unit (200-dimensional in our toy example) and the given input. There are two ways to do so. Either using native numpy or …
# Element-wise distance between each `(200,)` node/weights and the input.(X[0]-ws).shape
(3, 3, 200)
# Now we take the root square of the square distance element-wise and take their sum along the last dimension (200)np.sqrt(np.sum((X[0]-ws)**2, axis=-1))
I’d like to find the closest unit/node from a given input and want to return its index.
AI Response
To find the BMU index, we need to: 1. Get the distances (which we already calculated) 2. Find the index of the minimum distance in our 2D grid
We can use np.argmin(), but since we have a 2D grid, we’ll need to consider how to handle the indices. Would you like to try implementing this yourself, or would you like me to suggest an approach?
A key consideration is whether you want: - A flat index (single number) - Grid coordinates (row, col)
Which format would be more useful for your implementation?
AI Prompt
I want to find the grid coordinates but np.argmin() seems to work only for flatten arrays.
AI Response
Ah yes! For 2D coordinates, we can use np.unravel_index() together with np.argmin(). This combination will:
np.argmin() finds the index in the flattened array
np.unravel_index() converts this flat index back to grid coordinates
Would you like to try implementing this yourself using these functions? I can provide more details about how np.unravel_index() works if needed.
So, finding the grid index of the smallest distance is as simple as taking the np.argmin (internally flattening the array) and then using np.unravel_index with grid shape specified:
Let me try to recap and reformulate the role of the neighborhood function with my own words. The weights update will be carried out according to the following logic: 1. we first get the distance between a given input and all units/nodes 2. the closest unit is called the bmu 3. Each unit will be then updated as a function of: - its distance from the given input - but also of its “decayed” distance of its grid index from the bmu - by “decayed” we mean that using a gaussian function parametrized by a “radius of influence” or a “degree of locality”, we update the units close from the bmu more than the distant one.
Hence the neighborhood function, should return for a given node a coefficient that will be used to further weigh the weights update. Last, it is important to note that this update will be further parametrized by a learning rate lr.
Is my thinking correct?
AI Response
Yes, your understanding is excellent! You’ve captured all the key aspects of the neighborhood function and its role in weight updates. Let me confirm each point:
✓ Calculate distances & find BMU
✓ For each unit, weight update depends on:
Distance from input (the error term)
Distance from BMU on the grid (neighborhood influence)
Gaussian decay based on grid distance (controlled by radius σ)
✓ Final update magnitude determined by:
Neighborhood coefficient (from gaussian)
Learning rate (lr)
Would you like to start implementing the neighborhood function? We’ll need to: 1. Calculate grid distances from BMU to all nodes 2. Apply gaussian decay to these distances
From the (3,4) shape I’d like to create two numpy arrays: one of shape (1,4) with the following values [0,1,2,3] (the rows idx) and one of shape (3,1) with the following values [0,1,2]. From those arrays, I then want to calculate the delta x and delta y from the bmu coordinates to eventually get a neighborhood function then I’d further weigh by a gaussian kernel. Can you guide me?
AI Response
I’ll help you step by step:
First, let’s create those two arrays using np.arange():
Would you like to try this first and then we can move on to calculating the deltas from the BMU coordinates?
The next step would be subtracting the BMU’s x and y coordinates from these arrays. Would you like to try that yourself, or would you like more guidance?
AI Prompt
Isn’t there a more straightforward to get those x and y coords directly from the shape (3,4) using a dedicated numpy method?
AI Response
Ah yes! You can use np.meshgrid() to directly generate coordinate arrays from the shape. This function is specifically designed for creating coordinate matrices. Would you like to explore how to use np.meshgrid() for this purpose?
Let me know if you want to try it yourself first, or if you’d like me to show you how it works with your (3,4) shape example.
AI Prompt
I’ve heard about this method: np.ogrid[0:grid_sz[0], 0:grid_sz[1]] Don’t you think it would be more convenient?
AI Response
Yes, absolutely! np.ogrid is a more concise and elegant solution for this case. It creates an “open mesh” which is exactly what we need - two arrays suitable for broadcasting, without actually storing the full mesh in memory.
Would you like to try using np.ogrid to: 1. Create the coordinate arrays 2. Calculate the deltas from the BMU position
I think that now suffices to pass this array to a Gaussian function to create our neighborhood function, don’t you think?
AI Response
Yes, exactly! We can create a Gaussian decay function using np.exp(-dist²/(2σ²)), where: - dist² is what we just calculated - σ (sigma) is our radius parameter that controls the spread of the neighborhood
Would you like to try implementing this Gaussian function? We’ll need to: 1. Take our squared distances 2. Apply the Gaussian formula with a sigma parameter
Would you like to try this yourself, or would you like some guidance on the implementation?
Let me reformulate the weight update rule. Given an input, the SOM weights/nodes/units will be updated as follows: 1. compute the distance between the input and all weights/nodes/units, d 2. compute the distance from the bmu position from all other grids/weights position d_grid`` 3.w_new = w + lrdneighborhood_fn(d_grid) where lr is the learning rate
In summary at every iteration (new sample), we pull all weights and their surroundings (as defined by the neighborhood function) toward the input (the bmu weights being the most affected).
Am I right?
AI Response
Yes, your understanding is perfect! Let me break down your correct formulation:
For each input sample: 1. ✓ Calculate distances between input and all weights 2. ✓ Find BMU (closest weight) 3. ✓ Calculate grid distances from BMU position 4. ✓ Apply neighborhood function to grid distances 5. ✓ Update weights using the formula: w_new = w + lr * (input - w) * neighborhood_fn(d_grid)
One small clarification to your formula: the d term should be (input - w), representing the direction and magnitude of the update.
Would you like to try implementing this update rule? We can break it down into steps if you’d like.
Let’s do it step-by-step while checking shapes “compatibility” for numpy broadcasting.
# Define kernel function with wanted parameterkernel_fn = partial(gaussian_fn, sigma=1)# Get bmu positionbmu_idx = bmu_coords(dist_fn(x, ws), ws.shape[:2])# Compute neighborhood weights for each unitnbh = neighborhood_fn(grid_dist2(bmu_idx, ws.shape[:2]), kernel_fn)nbh.shape
(2, 2)
The neighborhood will weigh eacg node’s update give its distance from the bmu and provided kernel functions. So we want an element-wised multiplication between this 2x2array and the first two dimensions of the (x-ws) differences. Hence to be able to use numpy broadasting we have to add an additional trailing dimension to the neighborhood.
nbh[..., np.newaxis].shape
(2, 2, 1)
(nbh[..., np.newaxis] * (x-ws)).shape
(2, 2, 3)
We now have all components required to define the update function.
Ok, we observe that the SOM’s nodes are pulled toward the bmu accordingly. We have all core SOM compoenents, we can implement now the training loop.
I.6 Revised plan
AI Prompt
I think that should be pretty straightforward to implement. We know how to update the SOM/weights for every single data point. It suffices to iterate over the training set multiple times (epochs) until we think this is enough right?
Obviously it raises a couple of questions. First usually, the learning rate and for instance the gaussian kernel sigma are decayed during training. Second, after each epoch (one pass over the train set), we’d like to log some metrics (Quantization error and Topographic error). Also, I think that would be very useful if we could visualize how the SOM improves as we add new features like scheduled learning rate and gaussian kernel sigma. Hence, I’d like to implement a U-Matrix visualization in priority. So I think we have to slightly revised the initial plan (shown below) to take into account both decay, metrics and U-matrix now as it is interleaved with the training loop. Ideally, we should implement second the training loop but implement in this main step also U-Matrix visualization, … so that we can see how the training loop, training loop + scheduler affect the training visually.
Initial plan: Following Polya’s framework, let’s create a structured plan. Here’s a suggested breakdown - please let me know if you’d like to modify any part:
You make excellent points! Yes, we should revise the plan to better integrate visualization and metrics with the training loop, since they’re crucial for understanding how the SOM evolves. Here’s a suggested revision:
Core SOM Components (DONE)
✓ Initialize weight grid
✓ Distance metrics
✓ BMU function
✓ Neighborhood function
✓ Weight update rule
Extended Training Components
Training loop structure
U-Matrix visualization (moved up from 4)
Basic quality metrics (moved up from 3)
Learning rate scheduler
Radius scheduler
Training progress visualization
Additional Quality Metrics
Quantization error
Topographic error
Custom metrics interface
Additional Visualizations
Component planes
Custom visualization options
Class structure
Flexible interfaces
Would you like to start with implementing the training loop along with U-Matrix visualization so you can see the SOM’s evolution during training?
Let’s first implementing a training (fit) loop to see where and how scheduling should take place.
II.1 A 2D toy dataset
!pip3 install scikit-learn
Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
Requirement already satisfied: scikit-learn in ./.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages (1.6.0)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.19.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from scikit-learn) (1.26.3)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy>=1.6.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from scikit-learn) (1.14.1)
Requirement already satisfied: joblib>=1.2.0 in ./.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from scikit-learn) (1.4.2)
Requirement already satisfied: threadpoolctl>=3.1.0 in ./.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from scikit-learn) (3.5.0)
[notice] A new release of pip is available: 24.0 -> 24.3.1
[notice] To update, run: pip install --upgrade pip
from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs, make_moons, make_swiss_rollX, y = make_blobs(n_samples=1_000, centers=3, cluster_std=0.5, random_state=0)
I’d like to create a U-Matrix visualization. Correct me if I am wrong but my understanding is the following: - for each unit/node, we compute the average or sum of the distances between the node and its neighbours (from 2 for the corners to 3 at the edges and 4 for the others) - we then represent those aggregated “surrounding” distances in the grid - it can be interpreted as follows (when bright is small distance and dark is large distance): a group of bright nodes surrounded by dark ones suggest a cluster
Am I right?
AI Response
Yes, your understanding of the U-Matrix (Unified Distance Matrix) is correct! Let me confirm each point:
✓ For each node:
Calculate distances to immediate neighbors
Can have 2 neighbors (corners)
Can have 3 neighbors (edges)
Can have 4 neighbors (interior nodes)
✓ Visualization shows:
Average/sum of distances to neighbors
Usually displayed as a heatmap
✓ Interpretation:
Bright regions = similar nodes = potential cluster
Dark regions = dissimilar nodes = potential boundaries
Dark “barriers” between bright regions suggest cluster boundaries
Would you like to implement this visualization? We’ll need to: 1. Create a function to find neighbors for each node 2. Calculate distances between neighbors 3. Create the visualization
I first attempted an approach using vectorization, padded and masked version of the weights. I am finding cluncky and much less readable than a more straightforward iteration throughout the weights.
# For instance a right-padded version of test weights matrixx_right = np.pad(x, ((0,0), (0,1), (0,0)), mode='edge')d_right = np.linalg.norm(x_right[:,1:] - x_right[:,0:-1], axis=-1)d_right
Great, we clearly see the 3 clusters captured. Now I’d like to implement some of the metrics: Quantization Error and Topographic Error so that to log it after every epoch ideally.
AI Response
Let’s implement these two metrics:
Quantization Error (QE):
Average distance between each input vector and its BMU
Measures how well the map represents the input space
Topographic Error (TE):
Proportion of data vectors for which 1st and 2nd BMUs are not adjacent
Measures preservation of topology
Would you like to implement these metrics one at a time? We can start with the Quantization Error since it’s simpler and uses components we already have (distance function and BMU finding).
Which metric would you prefer to tackle first?
II.4 Quantization Error (QE)
AI Prompt
Here is my understanding and plan to calculate QE (Quantization Error) For each sample of the training set we have to: - identify its bmu (we already have a function for this) - calculate input/sample distance from its bmu (we have this already) - take the mean of those distances
Actually when we search the bmu, we take the argmin of the distances between each node/unit and the input. Here, we don’t need to search the bmu, taking the min of the distances would already solve our problem.
In summary, I think we already have all elements. What do you think?
AI Response
Yes, your understanding is perfect! You’ve made a very astute observation about reusing the distance calculation and just needing the minimum value rather than its position.
For each input x, we: 1. Calculate distances to all nodes (using our dist_fn) 2. Take the minimum distance (don’t need argmin, just min) 3. Average these minimum distances across all inputs
Would you like to try implementing this as a function? We can use numpy’s vectorized operations to make it efficient. Would you like to try it yourself first, or would you like some guidance?
qe_err =lambda X,ws: np.array([dist_fn(x, ws).min() for x in X]).mean()qe_err(X,ws)
plt.figure(figsize=(3, 2))plt.plot(range(1, n_epochs+1), qe_errs, lw=1)plt.grid(True, alpha=0.3)plt.xlabel('Epoch')plt.ylabel('Quantization Error')plt.title('SOM Training Progress')plt.tight_layout()
II.5 Topographic Error (TE)
AI Prompt
Let me give you my understanding of the Topographic Error metric. For each sample, - we take is best matching unit (bmu1) and its second best matching unit (bmu2) - if bmu2 is not adjacent (left, right, bottom, up, bottom right, …) to bmu1 we count it as one error
TE is simply the percentage of the number of such errors over the total number of training samples. Is my understanding correct?
AI Response
Yes, your understanding of Topographic Error is exactly right! Let’s break down the key points:
For each input sample:
Find BMU (1st best)
Find second BMU (2nd best)
Check if they’re adjacent using our neighbor definition
Count as error if not adjacent
Final TE = (number of errors) / (total samples)
We already have most pieces: - Distance calculation - BMU finding - Neighbor definition (from U-Matrix implementation)
Would you like to create a function to: 1. Find the second-best BMU (we’ll need to modify our existing BMU code), or 2. Check if two positions are adjacent (we can use our nbr_offsets from earlier)
Which part would you like to tackle first?
AI Prompt
How could I find the index of the two closest units/element in a SOM/array? I could possibly identify the bmu using the function already available, reassign the value of this bmu to np.inf on a copy of the som and take the bmu again to get the second one. What do you think? It is likely we can do it in a more straightforward way, don’t you think?
AI Response
Ah yes, there’s a more elegant way! We can use np.argpartition() which is specifically designed to find the k smallest (or largest) elements in an array. It’s more efficient than your suggested approach since:
It doesn’t require making a copy
It only partially sorts the array (just enough to find the k smallest values)
It’s a single operation
Would you like to explore how to use np.argpartition() to find the indices of the two smallest distances? We can then use np.unravel_index() like we did before to convert these to grid coordinates.
Would you like to try this approach?
AI Prompt
Can you explain how to retrieve the two smallest value in a 2D numpy array using np.argpartition?
AI Response
Let’s break this down with a simple example:
# Create a sample 2D arrayarr = np.array([[5, 2, 3], [1, 7, 4], [6, 8, 9]])# Get indices of 2 smallest values using np.argpartition# We first flatten the array, then find indices of 2 smallest valuesflat_indices = np.argpartition(arr.flatten(), 2)[:2]# Convert flat indices back to 2D coordinates using unravel_indexindices_2d = np.unravel_index(flat_indices, arr.shape)
Would you like to try this with a small example to see how it works? We can then adapt it for our SOM distances.
# Create a sample 2D arrayarr = np.array([[5, 2, 3], [1, 7, 4], [6, 8, 9]])# Get indices of 2 smallest values using np.argpartition# We first flatten the array, then find indices of 2 smallest valuesflat_indices = np.argpartition(arr.flatten(), 2)[:2]print(f'flat indices: {flat_indices}')# Convert flat indices back to 2D coordinates using unravel_indexrows_idx, cols_idx = np.unravel_index(flat_indices, arr.shape)list(zip(rows_idx, cols_idx))
Actually by checking directly the difference of rows and cols indices returned for the two closest elements we can already check if they are adjacent or not (if any of the difference of the two > 1).
plt.figure(figsize=(3, 2))plt.plot(range(1, n_epochs+1), te_errs, lw=1)plt.grid(True, alpha=0.3)plt.xlabel('Epoch')plt.ylabel('Topographic Error')plt.title('SOM Training Progress')plt.tight_layout()
II.6 LR and σ schedulers
AI Prompt
We want a scheduler that given current step (epoch?) will decay both the learning rate and sigma for instance. Now I have a question. What do you think, should I make it flexible enough so that we could potentially decay them even before the end of an epoch?
AI Response
That’s a great question! Yes, making the scheduler flexible enough to handle both epoch-level and sample-level updates would be more versatile, because:
Different SOM implementations might need:
Epoch-level decay (simpler, more common)
Mini-batch decay
Sample-level decay (finest granularity)
Some papers suggest that fine-grained decay can be beneficial for:
Better convergence
More precise neighborhood adaptation
Handling streaming data
Would you like to design a scheduler interface that can handle both cases? We could: 1. Make it step-based rather than epoch-based 2. Let the user define what constitutes a “step” 3. Allow different decay functions
Would you like to explore any of these aspects first?
AI Prompt
Letting users define what constitues a “step” (e.g every n samples) sounds more flexible I think. Let’s implement it.
AI Response
Good choice! Let’s design a flexible scheduler. We’ll need to:
Current step number
Initial value (lr or sigma)
Decay function
Allow users to:
Define custom decay functions
Specify when to step (sample, batch, epoch)
Would you like to start with implementing a basic scheduler class or first explore some common decay functions?
For decay functions, we could implement common ones like: - Linear decay - Exponential decay - Power decay (polynomial)
Which would you prefer to tackle first?
AI Prompt
I step_sz means the every number of samples requires before updating a value. How to name the total number of samples*number of epochs where we reach the end of the decay?
AI Response
In scheduling contexts, this is often called the “total_steps” or “max_steps” - it represents the total number of update opportunities over the entire training process.
So if we have: - n_samples = 1000 - n_epochs = 20 - step_size = 10 (update every 10 samples)
total_steps = (n_samples * n_epochs) // step_size
Would you like to use one of these names, or do you have another preference for what to call this parameter? We could also call it “decay_steps” or “schedule_length” if you think that would be clearer.
I am wondering how to best choose the initial and end learning rate and sigma. Is there any standard methodology other than grid search? Any thumb of rules I must be aware of?
AI Response
Yes, there are some common guidelines for SOM hyperparameters:
Learning Rate (lr):
Start: Usually between 0.1 and 1.0
End: Small but non-zero (0.01 or even smaller)
Rule of thumb: Higher initial lr for larger datasets/maps
Sigma (neighborhood radius):
Start: Usually max(grid_width, grid_height)/2
End: Should cover about one unit (0.5-1.0)
Rule of thumb: Larger initial sigma helps global ordering
General principles:
Training has two phases:
Ordering phase: High lr and sigma for global organization
Fine-tuning phase: Low lr and sigma for local adjustments
Training length should be at least 500 times number of nodes
Would you like to try adjusting your parameters based on these guidelines?
II.8 Revised plan
AI Prompt
No that’s ok for now, thanks a lot! Now I think we need once more time to revise the plan as we are making very good progress and focus on the remaining steps. As a reminder, here below the previous plan: You make excellent points! Yes, we should revise the plan to better integrate visualization and metrics with the training loop, since they’re crucial for understanding how the SOM evolves. Here’s a suggested revision:
Core SOM Components (DONE)
✓ Initialize weight grid
✓ Distance metrics
✓ BMU function
✓ Neighborhood function
✓ Weight update rule
Extended Training Components
Training loop structure - DONE
U-Matrix visualization (moved up from 4) - DONE
Basic quality metrics (moved up from 3) - DONE
Learning rate scheduler - DONE
Radius scheduler - DONE
Training progress visualization - DONE
Additional Quality Metrics
Quantization error - DONE
Topographic error - DONE
Custom metrics interface
Additional Visualizations
Component planes
Custom visualization options
Class structure
Flexible interfaces
I have further specified which steps were already completed! You evoked additional visualization techniques (on top of the u-matrix) and possible additional metrics. Last the refactoring and documentation phases remains highligh important as final steps. However there is one important aspects we have not addressed that we should address next which is the initialization of the SOM/weights. Now we are doing it randomly, I think we can use PCA also. I would be interested to understand it in further details and implement it.
Can you advise and propose an update plan? Important: Consider the numbering of each steps already used so that the new plan can be appended to it consistently.
AI Response
Yes, you’re right! The PCA initialization is an important addition. Here’s the updated plan, maintaining consistent numbering and adding the initialization as step 6 before refactoring:
Weights Initialization Methods
Random (current - DONE)
PCA-based initialization
Comparison of initialization impacts
Additional Quality Metrics & Visualization
Component planes
Additional custom metrics interface
Custom visualization options
V. Refactoring & Documentation - Class structure - Flexible interfaces - Comprehensive documentation - Usage examples
Would you like to start exploring the PCA initialization approach? I can explain how PCA can help initialize the SOM weights more effectively than random initialization.
AI Prompt
Can you explain what’s the idea of using PCA to initialize SOM weights?
AI Response
The idea behind PCA initialization for SOM weights is quite clever:
Main concept:
Instead of random initialization, we want initial weights that already reflect the data’s structure
PCA finds the principal directions of variation in your data
We can use these directions to create a more informed initial grid
The process typically works by:
Finding the two largest principal components of your data
Using these to create a linear interpolation grid
This grid becomes your initial weights
Faster convergence (weights start closer to final configuration)
More stable training
Better preservation of data topology
Would you like me to explain more about how this works in practice, or would you prefer to start implementing it?
AI Prompt
Yes I know PCA but your statement “Using these to create a linear interpolation grid” is a bit unclear to me. Please further elaborate.
AI Response
Ah, let me clarify the linear interpolation part:
Let’s say we have a 4x4 SOM grid and our data is 3-dimensional. After PCA:
We get two principal components (PC1 and PC2)
These define a 2D plane where data varies most
The “linear interpolation grid” means:
Along rows: We interpolate values from -1 to 1 using PC1 (4 points)
Along columns: We interpolate values from -1 to 1 using PC2 (4 points)
Each grid point becomes: (αPC1 + βPC2)
Where α and β are the interpolated values
So each weight vector is a linear combination of PC1 and PC2, creating a regular grid that spans the main directions of variation in your data.
Would you like to see this process with a small example using your dataset?
AI Prompt
Thanks it’s a bit clearer. Let me try to reformulate it, in the context of a highly dimensional dataset (which is the primary target of SOM), we take the two largest principal components (PCs) and generate the initial weights of the grid in the span of those two PCs.
I have two remarks: - in the situation where our input dataset is 2D, there would be no added value as we could have equally taken initial weights in the span of the initial basis (randomly) - don’t you think that would be also important to consider the eigen values (% of variance explained by each PCs) to generate those initial SOM weights? Do you see my point?
What do you think?
AI Response
Excellent observations! Let me address both points:
2D data case:
✓ You’re absolutely right! PCA initialization would be less beneficial
The benefit really shows in higher dimensions where random initialization might miss important data structure
Eigenvalues consideration:
✓ Very insightful point! Yes, the variance explained by each PC is important
We could use the eigenvalues to:
Scale the grid points according to the relative importance of each PC
Make the grid more stretched along PC1 if it explains much more variance than PC2
This would better reflect the actual data distribution
Would you like to modify the initialization approach to incorporate the eigenvalues? We could scale the α and β coefficients by the square root of their respective eigenvalues to reflect the relative importance of each direction.
AI Prompt
Great!Let’s implement it but let me try first.
AI Response
Perfect! Go ahead and try implementing it yourself. If you get stuck or want to discuss your implementation, I’m here to help.
Remember you’ll need to: 1. Perform PCA on your data 2. Get the first two PCs and their eigenvalues 3. Create the interpolation grid with eigenvalue scaling
Let me know when you want to discuss your implementation or if you need any clarification!
To assess the added value of PCA initialization we should use a higher dimentionsal toy dataset. We choose the MNIST dataset for that purpose as provided by scikitlearn.
from sklearn.datasets import load_digitsX, y = load_digits(return_X_y=True)X.shape, y.shape
((1797, 64), (1797,))
# Using column-wise centering to keep pixels correlationX_norm = (X - np.mean(X, axis=-1, keepdims=True))/X.max()X_norm[:3,:3]
# Create meshgridalpha_grid, beta_grid = np.meshgrid(alpha, beta)# Initialize weights arrayweights = np.zeros((n, n, X.shape[1])) # shape: (n, n, 64) for MNIST# Each weight is a linear combination of PC1 and PC2weights = (alpha_grid[..., np.newaxis] * pca.components_[0] + beta_grid[..., np.newaxis] * pca.components_[1])
Would you like to try implementing this approach?
grid_sz = (20,20)n = grid_sz[0]alpha = np.linspace(-1, 1, n) # for PC1beta = np.linspace(-1, 1, n) # for PC2
The effect of PCA initialization is not probative above. How could I see the added value?
AI Response
To better demonstrate the value of PCA initialization, we could:
Compare convergence speed:
Run both initializations multiple times
Plot learning curves (QE vs epochs) on the same graph
Start with fewer epochs to see early convergence
Use a more complex dataset:
MNIST digits at higher resolution
Or a dataset with more pronounced principal components
Currently we’re using 8x8 digits which might be too simple
Visualize initial state:
Show U-Matrix right after initialization (before training)
Compare random vs PCA initialization structures
Adjust hyperparameters:
Different learning rates
Different grid sizes
Different sigma values
Which approach would you like to try first to better demonstrate the difference between random and PCA initialization?
AI Prompt
Thanks, very useful! That’s fine for now I will perform this thorough assessment later.
AI Response
Alright! We’ve covered PCA initialization and have some good ideas for evaluating its effectiveness later.
Would you like to move on to the next part of our plan? We could look at: 1. Component planes visualization 2. Additional quality metrics 3. Start the refactoring phase
Which would you prefer to tackle next?
AI Prompt
Explain me the concept of “Component planes visualization” in the contexte of the MNIST dataset for instance.
AI Response
In the context of MNIST, component planes visualization is particularly interesting:
Basic concept:
Each weight vector (node) has 64 components (8x8 pixels)
A component plane shows how ONE of these 64 components varies across the SOM grid
We get 64 different “heatmaps”, one for each pixel position
For MNIST specifically:
Each component plane shows how a specific pixel varies across the map
Bright areas = high pixel values in that position
Dark areas = low pixel values in that position
This reveals which regions of the SOM activate specific parts of the digits
Similar patterns across component planes suggest correlated pixels
Some planes might show clear structures (e.g., strong activation in middle pixels for digit “1”)
Helps understand how the SOM has organized digit features
Would you like to visualize some component planes for our trained MNIST SOM to see this in practice?
AI Prompt
Ok I see, I will implement it later, let’s focus on the refactoring and the documentation now.
AI Response
Sure! For refactoring, we should create a well-structured class that encapsulates all the functionality we’ve built. Here’s what we could consider:
Core SOM Class structure:
Initialization (random/PCA)
Training methods
Visualization methods
Quality metrics
Flexible interfaces for schedulers
Documentation needs:
Clear docstrings
Usage examples
Parameter descriptions
References to literature
Would you like to start with: 1. Designing the class interface 2. Writing the documentation structure 3. Organizing the methods we’ve created
Which aspect would you prefer to tackle first?
AI Prompt
Please design a class interface embedding all components implemented above. Make sure to: - use nbdev-like documentation and docstrings - use fastai coding style
I’ll design a class interface following nbdev and fastai style. Let’s start with the core class structure:
class SOM:def__init__(self, grid_sz:tuple, # Size of the SOM grid (rows, cols) input_dim:int, # Dimension of input data init:str='random', # Initialization method: 'random' or 'pca' dist_fn=np.linalg.norm # Distance metric function ):"Initialize a Self-Organizing Map with given grid size and input dimension"def fit(self, X:np.ndarray, # Training data n_epochs:int=20, # Number of training epochs lr_scheduler:Scheduler=None, # Learning rate scheduler sigma_scheduler:Scheduler=None, # Neighborhood radius scheduler shuffle:bool=True, # Shuffle data each epoch verbose:bool=True# Print training progress )->tuple: # Returns (weights, qe_errors, te_errors)"Train the SOM on input data X"def transform(self, X:np.ndarray # Input data to transform )->np.ndarray: # Returns BMU coordinates for each input"Find Best Matching Unit (BMU) for each input vector"@propertydef umatrix(self)->np.ndarray: # Returns U-Matrix of current weights"Calculate and return the U-Matrix"def quantization_error(self, X:np.ndarray # Input data )->float: # Returns QE value"Calculate quantization error for input data"def topographic_error(self, X:np.ndarray # Input data )->float: # Returns TE value"Calculate topographic error for input data"
Would you like me to: 1. Add more methods 2. Elaborate on any particular method 3. Add more documentation details 4. Show how the existing functions would fit into this structure
What would be most helpful?
AI Prompt
The interface looks fine, please feed it with the implementations
I’ll help you implement the class step by step. Let’s start with the core structure and basic methods:
class SOM:def__init__(self, grid_sz:tuple, input_dim:int, init:str='random', dist_fn=np.linalg.norm):"Initialize a Self-Organizing Map with given grid size and input dimension" store_attr()self.weights =self._initialize_weights(init)def _initialize_weights(self, method:str)->np.ndarray:"Initialize weights using either random or PCA initialization"if method =='random':return np.random.randn(*self.grid_sz, self.input_dim)elif method =='pca':# We'll implement PCA initializationraiseNotImplementedError("PCA initialization to be implemented")
Would you like me to continue with implementing more methods? We can do this incrementally, testing each part as we go. Which method would you like to implement next?
PCA initialization
Core training loop (fit)
Transform method
Error metrics
Let me know which you’d prefer to tackle first!
AI Prompt
Next implement, PCA initialization.
I’ll add the PCA initialization to our SOM class. We’ll need to modify the _initialize_weights method and add a helper method for PCA:
from sklearn.decomposition import PCAclass SOM:def__init__(self, grid_sz:tuple, input_dim:int, init:str='random', dist_fn=np.linalg.norm):"Initialize a Self-Organizing Map with given grid size and input dimension" store_attr()self.weights =None# Will be initialized when fittingdef _initialize_weights_pca(self, X:np.ndarray)->np.ndarray:"Initialize weights using PCA of the input data" pca = PCA(n_components=2) pca.fit(X)# Create grid coordinates and scale by eigenvalues n =self.grid_sz[0] alpha = np.linspace(-1, 1, n) * np.sqrt(pca.explained_variance_[0]) beta = np.linspace(-1, 1, n) * np.sqrt(pca.explained_variance_[1])# Create the grid alpha_grid, beta_grid = np.meshgrid(alpha, beta)# Initialize weights as linear combination of first two PCsreturn (alpha_grid[..., np.newaxis] * pca.components_[0] + beta_grid[..., np.newaxis] * pca.components_[1])def _initialize_weights(self, X:np.ndarray=None, method:str='random')->np.ndarray:"Initialize weights using either random or PCA initialization"if method =='random':return np.random.randn(*self.grid_sz, self.input_dim)elif method =='pca':if X isNone: raiseValueError("Data matrix X required for PCA initialization")returnself._initialize_weights_pca(X)
Note that we’ve modified the initialization to: 1. Accept the input data X when needed for PCA 2. Move PCA logic to a separate method 3. Make weights initialization defer until we have data
Would you like to implement the next component? We could tackle: 1. Core training loop (fit) 2. Transform method 3. Error metrics
Which would you prefer?
AI Prompt
Implement the core training loop
I’ll implement the core training loop (fit method) and its supporting functions. We’ll need to include the neighborhood and update logic we developed earlier:
class SOM:# ... (previous methods remain the same)def _find_bmu(self, x:np.ndarray)->tuple:"Find coordinates of Best Matching Unit for input x" distances =self.dist_fn(x, self.weights)return np.unravel_index(np.argmin(distances), self.grid_sz)def _grid_distances(self, bmu_pos:tuple)->np.ndarray:"Calculate grid distances from BMU position" rows_idx, cols_idx = np.ogrid[0:self.grid_sz[0], 0:self.grid_sz[1]]return (bmu_pos[0] - rows_idx)**2+ (bmu_pos[1] - cols_idx)**2def _neighborhood_function(self, grid_dist:np.ndarray, sigma:float)->np.ndarray:"Calculate neighborhood function values"return np.exp(-grid_dist/(2*sigma**2))def _update_weights(self, x:np.ndarray, learning_rate:float, sigma:float):"Update weights for a single input vector" bmu_pos =self._find_bmu(x) grid_dist =self._grid_distances(bmu_pos) neighborhood =self._neighborhood_function(grid_dist, sigma)self.weights += learning_rate * neighborhood[..., np.newaxis] * (x -self.weights)def fit(self, X:np.ndarray, n_epochs:int=20, lr_scheduler:Scheduler=None, sigma_scheduler:Scheduler=None, shuffle:bool=True, verbose:bool=True)->tuple:"Train the SOM on input data X"# Initialize weights if not already doneifself.weights isNone:self.weights =self._initialize_weights(X, self.init)# Setup default schedulers if none providedif lr_scheduler isNone: lr_scheduler = Scheduler(1.0, 0.01, 100, len(X), n_epochs)if sigma_scheduler isNone: sigma_scheduler = Scheduler(max(self.grid_sz)/2, 1.0, 100, len(X), n_epochs) qe_errors, te_errors = [], []for epoch inrange(n_epochs): X_ = np.random.permutation(X) if shuffle else X.copy()# Train on each input vectorfor i, x inenumerate(X_): total_samples = epoch *len(X) + i lr = lr_scheduler.step(total_samples) sigma = sigma_scheduler.step(total_samples)self._update_weights(x, lr, sigma)# Calculate errors qe =self.quantization_error(X) te =self.topographic_error(X) qe_errors.append(qe) te_errors.append(te)if verbose:print(f'Epoch: {epoch+1} | QE: {qe:.4f}, TE: {te:.4f}')returnself.weights, qe_errors, te_errors
Would you like me to: 1. Add the error metrics methods next 2. Add the transform method 3. Explain any part of this implementation in more detail
Which would you prefer?
AI Prompt
Ok, add the error metrics methods next
AI Response
I’ll add the error metrics methods to our SOM class:
class SOM:# ... (previous methods remain the same)def quantization_error(self, X:np.ndarray)->float:"Calculate average distance between each input vector and its BMU"return np.array([self.dist_fn(x, self.weights).min() for x in X ]).mean()def topographic_error(self, X:np.ndarray)->float:"Calculate proportion of data vectors where 1st and 2nd BMUs are not adjacent"def _check_bmu_adjacency(x):# Get indices of two best matching units distances =self.dist_fn(x, self.weights) flat_indices = np.argpartition(distances.flatten(), 2)[:2] indices = np.unravel_index(flat_indices, self.grid_sz)# Check if any coordinate differs by more than 1returnany(np.abs(x-y) >1for x,y in indices) n_errors =sum(_check_bmu_adjacency(x) for x in X)return100* n_errors /len(X) # Return percentage
Would you like me to: 1. Add the transform method next 2. Add the U-Matrix visualization 3. Add component planes visualization 4. Something else?
Which would you prefer?
AI Prompt
Add the transform method.
AI Response
I’ll add the transform method to find BMU coordinates for new data points:
class SOM:# ... (previous methods remain the same)def transform(self, X:np.ndarray)->np.ndarray:"Find Best Matching Unit (BMU) coordinates for each input vector" bmu_coords = np.zeros((len(X), 2), dtype=int)for i, x inenumerate(X): bmu_coords[i] =self._find_bmu(x)return bmu_coordsdef predict(self, X:np.ndarray)->np.ndarray:"Alias for transform method to follow sklearn convention"returnself.transform(X)
I added both transform and predict methods to follow scikit-learn conventions. The predict method is just an alias for transform.
Would you like me to: 1. Add the U-Matrix visualization next 2. Add component planes visualization 3. Add any other methods?
Which would you prefer?
AI Prompt
Now, implement the U-matrix component.
AI Response
I’ll add the U-Matrix calculation and visualization methods:
class SOM:# ... (previous methods remain the same)def _calculate_umatrix(self)->np.ndarray:"Calculate U-Matrix values for current weights"def _neighbor_distances(pos):# Offsets for 8 neighbors nbr_offsets = [ (-1,-1), (-1,0), (-1,1), # top-left, top, top-right (0,-1), (0,1), # left, right (1,-1), (1,0), (1,1) # bottom-left, bottom, bottom-right ] distances = [] weights = []for dr, dc in nbr_offsets: r, c = pos nbr_r, nbr_c = r+dr, c+dcif (nbr_r >=0and nbr_r <self.grid_sz[0] and nbr_c >=0and nbr_c <self.grid_sz[1]): w =1/np.sqrt(dr**2+ dc**2) # weight by distance weights.append(w) d =self.dist_fn(self.weights[r,c] -self.weights[nbr_r,nbr_c]) distances.append(d)return np.average(distances, weights=weights) umatrix = np.zeros(self.grid_sz)for i, j in np.ndindex(self.grid_sz): umatrix[i,j] = _neighbor_distances((i,j))return umatrix@propertydef umatrix(self)->np.ndarray:"Return the U-Matrix for current weights"returnself._calculate_umatrix()def plot_umatrix(self, figsize=(8,6), cmap='viridis_r'):"Plot U-Matrix visualization"import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure(figsize=figsize) plt.imshow(self.umatrix, cmap=cmap, interpolation='nearest') plt.colorbar(label='Average distance to neighbors') plt.title('U-Matrix') plt.tight_layout() plt.show()
I’ve included: 1. Internal calculation method _calculate_umatrix 2. Property getter for easy access to U-Matrix 3. Plotting method with customizable parameters
Would you like me to: 1. Add component planes visualization next 2. Add any other visualization methods 3. Explain any part of the U-Matrix implementation in more detail?
Which would you prefer?
V.2 Readme.md
AI Prompt
Last, I’d like you to generate a README.md file for a package making this SOM implementation available to a wider audience (let’s name this package Teuvo). I’d like it to mention the design philosophy of “SolveIt” also. Use a how to use section using the MNIST dataset for instance.
AI Response I’ll create a README.md for the “Teuvo” package (nice reference to Teuvo Kohonen!). I’ll structure it to be clear, informative, and showcase the implementation philosophy:
# Teuvo: A Pythonic Self-Organizing Map ImplementationA flexible, well-documented implementation of Self-Organizing Maps (SOMs) following the principles of clarity, step-by-step problem solving, and vectorized operations.## Design PhilosophyThis implementation follows the "SolveIt" approach:- Break complex problems into manageable steps- Prioritize clarity and understanding over premature optimization- Document and explain each component thoroughly- Use vectorized operations for efficiency- Provide flexible interfaces for customization## Installation```bashpip install teuvo
Quick Start
from teuvo import SOMimport numpy as npfrom sklearn.datasets import load_digits# Load and normalize MNIST dataX, y = load_digits(return_X_y=True)X_norm = (X - np.mean(X, axis=-1, keepdims=True))/X.max()# Create and train SOMsom = SOM(grid_sz=(20,20), input_dim=64, init='pca')som.fit(X_norm, n_epochs=20)# Visualize resultssom.plot_umatrix()
We welcome contributions! Please see our contributing guidelines for details.
Kohonen, T. (1982). Self-organized formation of topologically correct feature maps
Kohonen, T. (2013). Essentials of the self-organizing map
Polya, G. (1945). How to Solve It
Named in honor of Teuvo Kohonen, who introduced the Self-Organizing Map algorithm.
Would you like me to:
1. Add more examples
2. Expand any section
3. Add installation or dependency details
4. Add anything else?
**AI Prompt**
Last request! Can you generate a TOC for the whole notebook that I will prepend for easier navigation?
**AI Response**
Here's a Table of Contents for your notebook:
# Self-Organizing Map Implementation
## Table of Contents
- I.1 Weight Grid Initialization
- I.2 Distance Metrics
- I.3 BMU (Best Matching Unit)
- I.4 Neighborhood Function
- I.5 Weight Update Rule
- II.1 A 2D Toy Dataset
- II.2 U-Matrix
- II.3 Naive Training Loop
- II.4 Quantization Error (QE)
- II.5 Topographic Error (TE)
- II.6 LR and σ Schedulers
- II.7 Advanced Training Loop with Schedulers
- II.8 Revised Plan
- III.1 Random Initialization
- III.2 PCA Initialization
- V.1 Class Implementation
- V.2 README.md
Each section follows the step-by-step development process, from basic components to the final package implementation.
Would you like me to: 1. Add more detail to any section 2. Reorganize any part 3. Add subsections I might have missed?